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From: DB
To: Bellringer
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 12:01 AM
Subject: Fw: President Obama to address all school children at 12 noon Sept. 8th


This is unprecedented for an american president to do this....Not knowing what will be said in advance is scary......Parents of school-aged children,  please do not allow ur child to be used as an obama pawn to promote his marxist agenda.....
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 11:14 PM
Subject: President Obama to address all school children at 12 noon Sept. 8th
On Sept. 8th at Noon EST, President Obama will address school age children in grades K through 12. This address or as I prefer to call it, speech, is to focus on the importance of education. But without a preview of this speech, how are we as parents to know what exactly this speech will entail? This is unprecedented, as never before in history has an American President used his office to address our entire population of impressionable children. My concern as a parent is that what if this speech goes off message? There is no way to just turn off the TV in your child's classroom should you feel as a parent this is not what you want your child to learn. This is not a part of the regular curriculum of learning skills in math, social studies and English. Could the President take advantage of the captive audience of young minds and promote his socialist ideology? Will he use this to justify his plans to socialize medicine, Cap and Trade, increase taxes, or the take over of private industry? To tell the kids that these are tough times but the government knows best how to fix it?
Then to top it off, after his speech, there is a whole menu of classroom activities for the teachers to use in asking pointed questions. This can also be used as a launching pad for a teacher to interject their personal opinion that may not match yours. We have all seen the video of the teacher who belittled a student during the campaign who supported John McCain. And the stories are endless of the bias in schools during the election of which students who held conservative values where outcast.
Many are calling for Sept. 8 to be a National Keep Your Kids Out Of School Day. I agree, this is one solution. But it punishes the child by missing a whole day of school. You could opt to remove your child from school just during the speech or ask your school superintendent to have a place for students to go during that time of whose parents do not want their child to participate. In addition, I believe a viable solution is for the parent to attend this mandatory Presidential address so that you can discuss with your child afterward what you agree and disagree on. Also, a parent in the classroom during the question and answer period after the address can keep a more liberal teacher on track. 
Please call your local school district and ask if they plan to participate in this. I have heard that even private schools will join in so don't assume that if your child attends a private school they are immune from this. If your child's school is taking part, ask them to provide a place for children to go during the address of whose parents do not want their children to participate. Since this is not part of the regular curriculum there should be an opt out option. Also, if you want to participate with your child make sure they will allow you to attend. I do not want to be an alarmist and assume the worst. But I also do not want to realize when it's too late that this first ever Presidential address to all students was not what the White House said it would be.
In Unity,
Letter from Secretary Arne Duncan to School Principals

Menu of classroom activities for teachers after President Obama's address


Other Opinions:

You Must Read This in Its Entirety (only 2 pages):

Really? Does anyone read history anymore? Does anyone care?

Who in the past has "reached out" to students like this? Indoctrination???

Who has tried to build a "youth movement" in the past???

Mark the date down, Sept. 8, 2009, Barack Obama will address to all students

Pre-K to 12th grade! This is unprecedented, never before has this taken place in America in anyway!

Please take a few minutes to read this historic document and the work the

White House and Department of Education put into the questions the children

will be asked. They are very clear on the most important questions teachers

should be asking students, as they are repeated over and over again like:

"What is the president trying to tell you",

Another interesting note is:

"Why is it important that we listen to the president."

My personal favorite is:

"Is he asking anything of anyone else, teachers? parents? the American


Of course, all teachers should "build a background of the president of the

United States by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama." glad they

put that last one in there just in case we had forgotten.

On September 8, 2009, I will be keeping my children home and reading them

excerpts of the "5000 year leap", "The American Patriot's Almanac: Daily

Readings on America", and The Constitution.

I declare September 8, 2009, Freedom from Oppression Day!


This message was sent by PatriotSherry from The Tampa 9-12 Project.


Folks not sure what to make of this.  The President will be addressing all school age kids on September 8, 2009.  I wanted to make you all aware.  Indoctrination comes to mind, being they already stripped the schools of true American history. Normally I would not be so skeptical but with everything going you never know.
 I received the link from the Tampa Tea Party group.

This message was sent by Carl from Treasure Coast TEA Party Movement.