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The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order

Michel Chossudovsky

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In this new and expanded edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.

This book is a skilful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.

In this new enlarged edition –which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction-- the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Published in 11 languages. More than 100,000 copies sold Worldwide.

"In its entirety, the book can and should be read by all with an interest in world peace and the causes of poverty." Frances Hutchinson, The Ecologist

"This concise, provocative book reveals the negative effects of imposed economic structural reform, privatization, deregulation and competition. It deserves to be read carefully and widely." Choice, American Library Association (ALA)

"The current system, Chossudovsky argues, is one of capital creation through destruction. The author confronts head on the links between civil violence, social and environmental stress, with the modalities of market expansion." Michele Stoddard, Covert Action Quarterly

"This detailed study by an economics insider shows the consequences of "reforms" in various parts of the world, reveals a clear pattern of callous neocolonialism. Definitely red-pill material." Richard K. Moore, Whole Earth.

"As Michel Chossudovsky, author of The Globalisation of Poverty, has pointed out, an entirely undemocratic world body "has been casually installed in Geneva, empowered under international law with the mandate to 'police' country level economic and social policies". This amounts to a "repeal of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", providing "legitimacy to trade practices which border on criminality [including] the patenting of human life forms". John Pilger, New Statesman.

"More than just an austerity program, Chossudovsky believes the conditions the IMF demands of countries - with little choice but to accept - are draconian...He also believes the IMF is getting its direction from the wealthy Wall Street investment banks which act as informal policy advisers and more formally, help structure and deliver bailout packages. "There are powerful financial actors behind this," he says. While Chossudovsky, author of The Globalization Of Poverty, is careful not to suggest a conspiracy, he says large multinational corporations and investment houses benefit from the chaos in countries like South Korea and Indonesia once their currencies are devalued." Laura Eggertson, The Toronto Star

"Michel Chossudovsky is one of the leading intellectuals of the antiwar movement, perhaps the best, as I find he works his tail off in documenting the material he presents and is rigorous in his analysis." Jude Wanniski, Polyconomics.

"Chossudovsky gives us a clear analysis of how the International Monetary Fund has well served this corporate plan. He gives us case studies of the ''restructuring'' and subsequent impoverishment of the people in countries like Somalia, Peru and Russia. He lays out the blueprint for the rest of the world."  Briarpatch

"... I  recommend to all interested in our political and financial future, unemployed or in work, to buy or borrow, one of the most informative books on the consequences of global poverty, written by Michel Chossudovsky." Stan Kent, Scunthorpe Evening Telegraph

"University of Ottawa economist Michel Chossudovsky  calls our era a global ''cheap labour economy''. The underlying problem is only made worse by IMF-sponsored reforms that impoverish millions of people. Economic Justice Report

"Michel Chossudovsky, offers in his book The Globalisation of Poverty an impressive presentation of the destructive effects macroeconomic restructuring has had on Yugoslavia and its 24 million people."  Paul Surlis, National Catholic Reporter

Read Review of First Edition

Read Review of First Edition (Covert Action Quarterly)

Reviews by readers who purchased the First Edition

Reviews by readers who purchased the Second Edition

Recent Amazon Reviews of the Second edition

"Battling Mainstream Economics" by Juliet ONeill (Biographical sketch of Michel Chossudovsky), Ottawa Citizen

Read mainstream media review: The Voice of America (VOA)

Links to Michel Chossudovsky's writings (Google Search)

See also Michel Chossudovsky's book entitled  America's War on Terrorism, 2nd Edition

Michel Chossudovsky is the 2003 Recipient of the Human Rights Prize of the Society for the Protection of Civil Rights and Human Dignity, Berlin, Germany.

Globalization of Poverty, (German edition) was classified No. 2 in the Top Ten "best" non-fiction titles in Germany, July 2002, by a panel of writers, journalists and scholars.

He is seven times recipient of the Project Censored Award , Sonoma University School of Journalism, California (2000 (double award), 2001 (double award), 2002, 2004, Nominated for 2005). His website, Global Research (Canada) was granted the Democracy Media Award in 2002, 2003 and 2004 by

Photos of Michel Chossudovsky

The Globalization of Poverty in its First and Second editions has been published in eleven languages. Ten English language editions and co-editions in the US, UK, Canada (2 editions), Australia, Malaysia, South Africa, India, Philippines (2 editions)), French (2 editions), German, Spanish