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NWO God-Free Schools Coming To Oz

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For those who refuse to acknowledge reality. The New World Order is real and Australia is a the leading edge.

Australian schools are about to introduce 'humanist classes' to deny any God or supernatural deities. These classes are to indoctrinate Australian children into the New World Order.

The NWO wants our kids. First it's their minds. Later, they'll then come for them bodily for Soylent green and the human meat grinder of war which is the NWO.

The propaganda course will teach 'World Citizenship.' No doubt they will be taught their own death is good as it will serve the 'greater good' by extinguishing their carbon footprint. The Australian Broadcasting Commission TV website already has an online interactive children's game along this line.

The shame is the sheeple parents do not know about the NWO...or don't want to know. Instead, they are engrossed in sports, TV, celebrity, recreational shopping and misdirection.

These irresponsible parents will hand over their children. They will way as their precious babies put their little hands into the sweaty palm of these NWO killers who will turn and smile with a dark grin as they walk of with innocent children.

The NWO is clearly breaking the surface now. No more in the shadows. They're coming in for the kill...and specialist dissident local killings, which will accompany the mass world depopulation extermination, won't even rate a mention.

Religion In Schools To Go God-Free

"Humanist Society education director Harry Gardner said he had designed a course to be taught from prep to year 6 called Applied Ethical Education - Humanism for Schools. It covers subjects such as the art of living, the environment, philosophy, science and world citizenship. The curriculum is likely to be submitted for approval next year.