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Exclusive: Indoctrination in Public Schools Leads to Rise in Home Schooling

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t’s that time of year again as parents scramble to pick up the necessary supplies to send with their children as they are bussed off to the public school (I call them government indoctrination centers) across town. Unlike years ago, when our parents sent us to school with a notebook for each class, a couple of pencils and our lunch money, today’s child will lug clear or mesh backpacks filled with such necessities as liquid anti-bacterial hand soap, boxes of baby wipes and, in the case of Hermitage Elementary School in Hermitage, Arkansas, their first graders will supply two rolls of paper towels and a 50 count pack of clear sheet protectors each. 

The lists this year at our local schools here in Arkansas for each student include a wide variety of products necessary for your child to complete his or her school work. I have not quite understood the need for a kindergarten boy to provide a box of gallon Ziploc bags or a kindergarten girl to provide a box of pint sized Ziploc bags (brand names only, please) or a second grade boy to provide a package of construction paper while second grade girls provide a pack of white computer paper. Then again, in my “old fashioned” view of preparing for school, I cannot fathom why each first grade child must provide a package of red ink pens. Perhaps we parents are supplying the school system with supplies for all - communal property to be used by those who supply and those who do not (aka Communism/Marxism)? Eastside Elementary School in Warren, Arkansas, has the issue under control. For a fee of $17, their third graders will be provided with a “packet of supplies” from the school store, obviously to ensure each child’s supplies are identical. We cannot have one child with a blue pencil while another child has a boring, cheaper yellow one, now can we? The directive has been given, right down to what color notebook your child can own.
High school students in Bradley County, Arkansas (and perhaps across the country?) will be required to “rent” their lockers – lockers bought and paid for by landowners’ property tax dollars. There are also activity fees, supply fees and science fees. Gone are the days when we carried brightly colored Trapper Keepers and you always carried an extra pencil or two in case your, er, comrade “forgot” theirs. Today’s government indoctrination centers have it covered. Everyone brings identical items at the beginning of the school year and turns them in to be evenly redistributed among all.
Our tax dollars not only pay for teachers, administrators and janitors, they also pay for something called a “migrant aide,” whose job requirement, according to our local paper (the Bradley County Eagle-Democrat), includes the ability to read and speak Spanish. By the time a child arrives at a government-funded school paid for with our property tax dollars, shouldn’t they either be proficient in English? If not, shouldn’t their parents be required to pay for a “migrant aide”?
Once your child is settled into his or her classroom, the National Education Association has a wealth of teaching tools to properly do what I consider indoctrinating your child. Perhaps this year, your child’s teacher will use the following guidelines for Thanksgiving lessons:
5 Interdisciplinary Activities Help Students Learn About & Celebrate Thanksgiving
  1. Say "Thank You" in 100 Languages!

    Put the "Thanks" back in Thanksgiving with this geography and language activity that teaches students to say "thank you" in many languages.


  2. Thanksgiving Placemats: A Community Service Project

    Work with your local shelter, food kitchen, or nursing home to brighten everybody's Thanksgiving.


  3. Thanksgiving Feast

    Grades 3-5 and 6-8 read charts and learn where Thanksgiving foods are grown.


  4. Thanksgiving Science Experiment

    This plant-growing experiment for grades preK-5 shows how Squanto helped the early settlers.


  5. Popcorn History

    Did the Pilgrims eat popcorn during the first Thanksgiving? Research/create a timeline of the history of popcorn.

No need to concern ourselves with pesky details such as the Mayflower, the Pilgrims, Plymouth Rock and the failure of communal existence when we can be researching the history of popcorn.
Perhaps your child will learn that $4 per gallon gasoline is quite a bargain in a country where we refuse to drill for our own oil. In “And You Thought Gasoline Was Expensive!” children from 3rd to 12th grade are encouraged to study various items such as cola, mouthwash and bottled water only to learn that “a 16-ounce bottle of water costing $1.09 works out to $8.72 a gallon. That makes gasoline look like a real bargain!”
We cannot examine the extensive possibilities of your child’s indoctrination without visiting “Stop Bullying Now,” part of which is described by the NEA website as:
Reacting to reports of harassment of Muslim and Arab American students following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the U.S Secretary of Education called on educators to prevent such harassment by encouraging students to discuss diversity constructively and express ideological differences respectfully.
Maybe your child’s teacher will put them all in a kumbaya style circle and pass around the Native American “talking stick,” encouraging each child to “share their feelings.” Or perhaps your child will write a paper on “needs and feelings” in which they will be evaluated on correctly identifying “needs and feelings” of others. This, of course, will be necessary for your child to understand the openly gay, lesbian or transgendered child in their classroom. Your elementary school child will be told to “accept” the fact that little Billy is wearing a dress to school today and wishes to be called Sally, with complete disregard for religious or moral beliefs of the other children.
Your child, instead of learning how to write a complete sentence or learning about the Constitution of the United States, will learn that the United States has the largest “endangered species list” in the world and what they can do to correct it. 
The tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto promises free education for all children in public schools, “free” education paid for with landowners’ property tax dollars. This indoctrination into a “global economy,” communal existence and the acceptance of all behavior, regardless of how perverse and inept – is thrust upon our government school systems by the NEA and taken out of the Communist Party, USA playbook.
This year in our home school, our child will learn from the example of Capt. John Smith, who took the failed communal system of the Pilgrims and turned it around into a flourishing capitalist system, while scores of future “comrades” will continue to bussed to their government indoctrination centers, identical pencils and notebooks in hand, to be fed a failed Marxist theology of equality and redistribution of wealth for all. While government indoctrination center children will be passing around the “talking stick” to explore the feelings of others, our home school child will be learning how to tune up his own car, how to read and write proficiently in English and other life skills necessary to be a responsible adult. While the ‘60s liberal hippies now instructing your child will be reliving their “free love” days at Woodstock, promoting homosexuality to elementary age children and  teen sexual behavior responsible for out of wedlock births and reliance on Federal and state welfare, our home school child will learn the Ten Commandments, Biblical principles regarding relationships and responsibility.
While American parents submerged themselves into two income families in order to pay increasing tax burdens and to acquire more “stuff” they “deserve,” their children became potential members of the potential Communist future of the United States of Amerika. However, tens of thousands of parents have refused – choosing like us to make the sacrifices necessary for a one-income household and home school, providing their children with a real education with real life principles that will be the saving grace of the United States of America.
Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Renee E. Taylor is the editor/webmistress of American Truckers at War, a freelance writer, photographer, home schooling mom and publicist for Joey Holiday. Feedback: