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Please note FunZulu = "Fun Star People". UNFORTUNATELY Life's not all fun and games. There are some very serious issues plaguing our planet on so many levels it’s TOO scary.

WARNING!!! The videos your about to watch are controversial, but also extremely truthful and offer an abundance of VITAL education that will wake up the masses GUARANTEED, an open mind is a absolute MUST!!

Local, national and international mainstream media will never report the truth, nor disclose this information for what it is. We should all give a big thanks to our corrupt governments of the world. We’ll assure you 99.9999% of the people don't know one tenth of 1% of what the real agenda truly is, but here’s everyone's chance to take their head out of the sand.

We're not displaying these videos to create a debate. Folks, there's absolutely zero time for debating as time is of the essence and literally running out!!! We're BEYOND confident that once you view these videos you'll completely agree, especially the new generation. They will not stand for what is being decided for them and the rest of humanity. This requires for us older folks to lead the way. IF WE LET THEM (our Government’s) WILL CREATE CONTROLLED CHAOS on a level that is unimaginable. THERE IS A VERY SMALL WINDOW OF OPPORTUNATY, THE PEOPLE MUST UNITE! THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!!

Do not start your own page with your own videos, this is not about ONE PERSON GETTING ALL THE glory, IT IS TIME FOR ALL OF US TO ACT AS ONE UNIT, TOGETHER WE’LL CONQUER, DIVIDED WE’LL FALL. We're trying to centralize ALL THIS INFO. In one CONVENIENT location for all. Let’s use these communication tools intelligently for the benefit of mankind. IF THERE IS A TIME WHEN HUMANATY NEED TO UNITE AND KICK SOME BUTT, IT IS NOW!

Ok, it’s required to get everyone educated on these subjects ASAP! (Lets Gain All Knowledge first) If we're all up to speed and TOGETHER WE recruit the masses to this page, we stand a fighting chance. Together the people must prevail. There are many hours of vital information on these videos, as you begin taking in this information we're certain 95 + % of you will agree with the material presented. We're asking that we all work together and immediately reach out to our personal database (address book or books) and email all our contacts pointing everyone to this page. (No Need to be a member, and THERE’S NEVER A CHARGE.) If you feel our message is of extreme importance to get out to the masses, you can also help us advertise this page by sending your donations to Via Paypal. What ever you can afford.

We can't stress enough how crucial it is for everyone to consume every SINGLE video displayed. Once you've GAINED ALL KNOWLEDGE, PLEASE jump in and help in the resistance. Recruiting of other like minded folks can start immediately. Besides, once you watch 3-4-5 videos most of you will feel compelled to do so immediately!! TOGETHER WE WILL CRUSH THIS NEW WORLD ORDER! IF THERE IS TO BE A NEW WORLD ORDER, IT WILL BE DICTAED BY THE PEOPLE, for the people!! THERE’S tremendous STRENGTH IN NUMBERS, PLEASE UNITE TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! Click on the floating icon in the middle to have a detailed plan of action on what to do.