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The 'Intellect'...Prison of the Mind

David Icke

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Hello all ...

I spoke at Oxford University this week, or more accurately the Oxford Union, a debating society founded in 1823 and both the breeding ground and stage for many leading politicians of the last 185 years.

Five British Prime Ministers have been officers of the Union - Gladstone, Lord Salisbury, Herbert Asquith, Harold Macmillan and Edward Heath - and a long list of government ministers and other politicians, including Benazir Bhutto, the assassinated former Prime Minister of Pakistan, who was the Union President in 1977.

I can see why so many politicians emerge from its ranks. I remember the first time I debated there in 1989 as a national spokesman for the British Green Party and realised that the student members of the Union draw lots to see if they will speak for or against the motion in question.

It doesn't matter if they believe in the stance they have been drawn to take. Their job is to passionately 'sell' their often manufactured beliefs and I was amazed at how well they do it. So, of course, this creates a wonderful training programme for would-be politicians who then go off to Parliament to lie, mislead and speak in favour of things they don't even support.

I would find it impossible to do that, which makes me a crap politician - thank goodness. The words would stick in my throat if I even attempted it. There is such a difference between seeing another's point of view and robustly advocating what you don't agree with, but some of these guys do it so convincingly.

The Oxford Union debating hall

The Union has attracted the leading British politicians of their day to speak in their debates, but also the high and mighty from overseas, including: US Presidents, Reagan, Nixon and Carter; former secretary of State and Illuminati front-man, Henry Kissinger; and Robert Kennedy, the assassinated brother of JFK. South Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama and even Kermit the Frog have also appeared and so has Michael Jackson.

I have debated there a few times and this week I was asked to present my information about how the few control the many with the goal of a global fascist dictatorship. There were some open people who turned up, but I found once again, as I have every other time at Oxford and Cambridge, that the intellect, left to itself, is a prison of the mind.

When I was thinking about how best to present the information at the world's most prestigious university I found myself going through the apparently bizarre process of leaving out certain areas and concepts because I knew it would be too much for the intellect alone to take. Instead, I honed it down into sort of baby steps.

What? Baby steps at the home of the intellectual 'elite' when at events like the Brixton Academy I can just go with everything to an audience of the 'general public' of all ages, races and backgrounds, most of whom will never have seen the inside of a university, let alone Oxford??

How come? Intellect, that's how come.

If you look around you at what we call 'society', it has been created by intellect. Not heart, not higher consciousness - intellect. The education system worships the intellect and seeks out through examinations the sharpest intellects to run the institutions of government, finance, business, science, education, media and military in the next generation. This is where Oxford University comes in.

Oxford, and its fellow-traveller at Cambridge, are the ancient universities where those with the best examination passes from mostly the 'best' schools are sent to be indoctrinated to see the world the way the system decrees for its future system-servers. There they mix with the students who have made it to Oxford and Cambridge because of elite family influence and the financially-exclusive private school network.

It is much the same in the United States with the Ivy League Universities like Harvard and Yale where entry is virtually guaranteed if you come from the 'right' family.

Yale University even looks like its inspiration, Oxford and Cambridge

So at these 'centres of learning' like Yale, Oxford and Cambridge you have the coming together of those considered by exam passes to be the most intellectually sharp and those who are there because of who their father, mother or grandparents are - Boy George Bush being a classic example at Yale.

Thus, we have the children of the families who control the system sharing the same 'educational' and perception-programming as those who will run the system on their behalf in the next generation. So it has been for centuries.

Oxford University, however, is the elite of the elite and the Illuminati's prime global location for developing the programmed intellects to serve its purpose of global control. This is why the infamous Cecil Rhodes left money in his will in 1902 to fund the so-called Rhodes Scholarships that bring highly-selected students from overseas to attend the Oxford indoctrination machine under its motto, Dominus Illuminatio Mea -

'The Lord is my Light'. Which 'Lord', though?

Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and even outside the Rhodes system the elite families in countries across the world send their children there to be 'westernised' - Illuminised - and they return to change their own societies in line with the Oxford blueprint. This has been one of the most effective vehicles for 'Westernisation' of the world.

Bill Clinton meeting JFK. Clinton attended Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship, won another scholarship to the Jesuit Georgetown University and then went to Yale. Talk about a chosen one.

Oxford has produced 25 British Prime Ministers and a stream of overseas leaders, 20 archbishops of Canterbury and major system-servers and manipulators like Rupert Murdoch. His and other media organisations are awash with Oxford and Cambridge ('Oxbridge') graduates and so are the political parties and the controlling layers of government administration, medicine, mainstream science and the military. Oxbridge is also a major recruiting ground for British Intelligence operatives who go on to play their little boy 'intellectual' games with the lives of others.

What do they all, or at least the vast majority, have in common? They are prisoners of the intellect, as are the elite Illuminati families, and that's why we have a society founded on, and created by, intellect - one of the lowest expressions of consciousness.

The intellect expresses itself overwhelmingly through the left-brain, the part that deals in 'physical' reality and the sequential, 'rational', analytical and objective ... can I see it, touch it, taste it, hear it or smell it? Okay, it exists, then. The left brain, or 'intellect', sees reality through the five senses and perceives the world in parts, not unity. Look again at our 'society'.

The idea behind 'education', and to the most extreme extent at places like Oxford, is to develop what I call 'left-brain prisoners' - prisoners of the intellect - and the system is structured to do just that from the moment we sit down in our first school right through to leaving college and university.

How do you progress within the 'education' system? You pass exams. And the more effective you are at taking in left brain information and repeating it on an exam paper the quicker and higher you progress. If you do that brilliantly well (elite families apart) you end up at Oxford or Cambridge, Harvard or Yale.

What do you need generally to be a doctor, scientist, top politician, government administrator, military leader, etc.? Exam passes and a 'good education' (good indoctrination) and so the institutions that run the system generation after generation are controlled by people enslaved in the left brain, or intellect, and therefore see everything in terms of parts and not unity.

It explains so much.

The right brain, the balance for the intellect, deals with the random, intuitive, holistic, and subjective. Its perspective is one of unity, of free-flowing creativity and of infinity, not limitation. It expresses itself most obviously through the artistic and the maverick.

The aim of the Illuminati sausage machine, called 'education', is to activate, stimulate and reward the left brain while suppressing the right and because the most successful victims of this process end up administrating the system, so society is formed in their image.

This is why I meet so many left-brainers at universities, especially the 'elite' ones, because they would not have progressed that far without a significantly-stimulated intellect. Now, it's possible to have an advanced intellect and not be subject to its limitations if you also open your mind to other - higher - levels of consciousness.

These are the people called 'whole-brained' who balance and connect their levels of consciousness through both hemispheres of the brain. Such people are 'out there' and 'down here' and they can see from a higher perspective while still being able to function within five-sense reality and explain their 'out there' understandings through the intellect in words that most people can grasp.

I am not knocking the intellect because without it we could not express ourselves efficiently through the body-computer. How many 'right-brainers' have you met who were 'out there' somewhere in the ether, but struggled to function in five-sense reality or could not express themselves in ways that most people could understand? I have met so many over the years.

So we need the intellect to operate efficiently through the five senses, but it has to be in its place and not the governor of perception, because when it is dominant above all else it can be a monster and subject to the most staggering levels of ignorance.

That's why the left-brain audiences are the most challenging and I have never been to a university yet when that was not the case in general, though certainly not with every individual. There are whole-brainers at universities, too.

Often I find that not only are the intellectuals enslaved by the left brain, but even by blueprint concepts within that limited reality. For instance, I was talking this week to two young Oxford students, maybe 17 or 18, and neither could conceive of how a society could ever operate without a government in control.

Not even without a government acting as a coordinating force within society, but as the controlling force. I can understand why because their intellect may be developed on one level within a tiny box of potential perception, but it is closed to other possibilities because it is closed to other levels of consciousness.

In short, their closed intellect has only one point of observation and I am sure the Illuminati talent scouts are drafting a contract as I speak.

Another Oxford attendee said that he could follow me when I was explaining the structure of how the few can control the many (left-brain), but he could not get his head around what I was saying later about the illusory nature of reality (right brain).

Once you begin to understand how the brain works and how the system, especially education, is designed to program its perceptions, so much about our society and how it operates becomes ever clearer.

There is no mystery, therefore, why I can talk to the 'uneducated' public and they 'get it', while people from the so-called cream of intellectual society (adults as well as 'elite' students) look at you with incredulity.

It is simply the difference between an open mind operating and scanning many levels of consciousness and the closed mind of the intellect imprisoned by five-sense perception.

Naturally, a society created by intellect measures intelligence by intellectual prowess, but the intellect and intelligence are not the same thing - or at least they're not if the intellect is acting alone. Examination passes are no more a measure of intelligence than cleverness is a measure of wisdom.

It is very clever to make an atomic bomb, but it is wisdom not to do so. In the same way it takes intellect to orchestrate a war, but heart - higher consciousness - not to do so. It takes intellect to explain the apparent complexities within this world of division and apartness, but heart - higher consciousness - to see that we are all One.

The reality we live in has been created by intellect and it will only be changed by heart. That's why the university system, elite or otherwise, is ever-more irrelevant, ever-more in retreat from the cutting edge.

There is a revolution of perception unfolding and the isolated intellect simply can't see it, nor how ignorant intellectualism really is.