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Paul Craig Roberts Article Archive

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Government Criminals

Paul Craig Roberts on the business end of the police state.

We're All Prisoners Now

Paul Craig Roberts on the US police state.

The Greatest Gift of All

Paul Craig Roberts on Christmas.

Federalist Society Dictatorship

Will liberty succumb to it?

Preaching Democracy, Proposing Tyranny

Paul Craig Roberts on the Bush regime.

More Violent Than the Burmese Junta

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush and Brown.

America's Brutality Pandemic

Paul Craig Roberts on cops gone wild.

The Tasering of Freedom

Paul Craig Roberts on ex-America.

Bush Plans Another Crime Against Humanity

Paul Craig Roberts on the war criminal in the livingroom.

More Shame, More Sorrow

Paul Craig Roberts on the Bush regime.

On to Iran

Paul Craig Roberts on scheming for more aggression.

The Horrific Padilla Verdict

Paul Craig Roberts on opening a Pandora's box of tyranny.

The Spawn of US Hegemony

Paul Craig Roberts on the Russia-China alliance.

A Ministry of Truth

Paul Craig Roberts on state-sycophantic media.

To Restore the People's Power

Paul Craig Roberts has an idea.

From Recklessness to Insanity

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush of Baghdad.

The Real Reason for Bush's Invasion of Iraq

It's a state secret, says Paul Craig Roberts.

If You Think Bush Is Evil Now

Wait until he nukes Iran, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Co-President Cheney Plans More Killing

Paul Craig Roberts on the DC gang for war.

Will the Republicans Destroy Themselves?

Before they destroy America?

One Fascist Leader Leaves

More than a few to go.

The Criminal Career of Rudy Giuliani

Paul Craig Roberts on framing the innocent as the path to political power.

War Crimes

Paul Craig Roberts on the wrecking of Iraq and America.

Perpetual War

For the perpetual warfare state.

The State or the People

That, no matter the party, is the key question, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Ban People

They kill.

The Security-Industrial Complex

Paul Craig Roberts on merchants of anticipated death.

Is It All Over?

Paul Craig Roberts on the last days of constitutional rule.

Crime Scene

Paul Craig Roberts on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Paul Craig Roberts on Khalid Mohammed's mythical confession.

Three Famous Dystopian Novels

Predicted the American present, says Paul Craig Roberts.


Thanks to the regime, that is how the world sees us, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Neocon Coup

We've lost our country, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Rebellious US Military

Is it our last hope?

Dump the Dollar

Is that the only way to stop the Cheney-Bush junta?

Criminals Control the Executive Branch

War criminals.

Bush-Cheney Are About To Attack Iran

Why can't Americans see it?

Impeachment, Our Only Hope

If we want to prevent more war, says Paul Craig Roberts.

US Hypocrisy

Reaches all-time high, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Disrespect for Truth

Has it brought on a new dark age?

The Power of Propaganda

Paul Craig Roberts on Chile.

The Greatest Gift for All

Paul Craig Roberts on Christmas.

The Frame-Up Factory

Paul Craig Roberts on the American injustice system.

The Iraq Calamity

What will be the US response?

The Mind-Boggling Neocons

And why they are going the way of the Bolsheviks.

Very Curious George

Is President Bush insane?

Bush Has Won His War

On the civil liberties of the American people, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Blue State Fascists?

Or can we trust the Democrats on civil liberties?

Are the Democrats an Improvement?

Or just part of the problem.

The Trial of Bush

Will it follow the trial of Saddam?

The Hegemonic 'Rule of Law'

What is admirable for the US and UK is a crime for others.

Thanks, George

Bush is killing what's left of freedom in America, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Impeach the President

But will it ever happen?

Fanatics Control US Foreign Policy

And they are about to nuke Iran, says Paul Craig Roberts.

War on Iran Makes Perfect Sense

To the neocons, since they aim for maximum chaos, says Paul Craig Roberts.

War Criminal at Bay

Paul Craig Roberts on a cornered Bush.

Bush the Pitiful

Paul Craig Roberts on the man who destroyed America's reputation and his own.

Great Books

They can be our secular salvation, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Defeat Is Nigh

But who's going to tell our delusional leader?

The Five Morons

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Rice.

Retroactive Laws

Bush seeks them to protect himself from war crimes charges, says Paul Craig Roberts.

No Bush at Stanford

Students bar his way.

Hegemony Brings Doom

The US strategy is dangerous as well as wrong, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Beneath the Flag Waving

This war is based on denial, says Paul Craig Roberts.

What's To Stop Him?

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush's assault on freedom.

The Police State

And the high price of American gullibility.

Murdering More 'Ragheads'

Paul Craig Roberts on a war criminal nation.

Does the Bush Regime Sponsor Terrorism?

Let's look at the facts, says Paul Craig Roberts.

They Hate Our Freedoms

The Bush administration.

Voters Rebuke Bush and Choose Peace

Not in the US, of course.

What Is True Conservatism?

Not Bush and his regime, says Paul Craig Roberts.

A Fish Rots From the Head

Paul Craig Roberts on what happened to America.

Delusional in Cleveland

Paul Craig Roberts on the amazing Bush speech.

Some Good News for a Change

The Bush presidency is collapsing, says Paul Craig Roberts.


What is planned?

A Practice Run for Iraq

Paul Craig Roberts on the aggression against Serbia.

Genghis Bush

Why did he lay waste Iraq?

The Decline and Fall of the US

From superpower to tinhorn dictatorship.

Krushchev Unleashed the Truth

And communism came tumbling down, says Paul Craig Roberts. Just what we need here.

'Patriot Act' Lawyer vs. Paul Craig Roberts

Viet Dinh responds to Paul Craig Roberts, who refutes Dihn.

The Leader Principle

Paul Craig Roberts on brownshirt conservatives.

Lunatics in Power

Paul Craig Roberts on the regime.

Cakewalk Campaigns

Paul Craig Roberts on how conservatives went crazy.

Following Orders Is No Excuse

Paul Craig Roberts on obeying lying authoritarians.

Just How Stupid Are We?

Will Americans really support aggression against Iran?

95% of Muslim Terrorists

Have been created by Bush's invasion of Iraq.

Crazed Bolton Orders to Syria

To do the impossible.

New Frontiers for the Police State

Paul Craig Roberts on the alarming "Patriot" Act Reauthorizaion.

Stolen Election

Paul Craig Roberts on Fooled Again, by Mark Crispin Miller.

Gore Censored

By the "liberal press." Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

We Have an Incipient Dictatorship

And Alito will make it worse, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Conservative Police State

Paul Craig Roberts on the regime.

Hitler's Prisons

And other essential information for Americans.

Guilty When Charged

This Christmas, remember the victims of the "justice" system.

Just Another Police State

What the regime has done to American standing in the world.

Freedom = Torture and Gulag

Trust me, says Condi Rice to Europe.

The Grave Threat We Face

It's the Bushian police state, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Let the War Crimes Trial Begin

Paul Craig Roberts on holding the scoundrels accountable.

The Assault on Habeas Corpus

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush, Blair, and power.

One Down, Many To Go

Paul Craig Roberts on the counterrevolution.

The Anti-Syria Scam

Pay no attention to Condi the scam artist, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Megalomaniacal Foreign Adventures

Paul Craig Roberts on how to stop the war.

The Police State

It's closer than you think, says Paul Craig Roberts.

$300 Billion Terrorist Training Ground

Paul Craig Roberts on occupied Iraq.

Bush Must Be Restrained

He's cooking up two more wars, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Cakewalk War

The cakewalkers have lost the war, so they plan two more.

The Committee of Public Safety

Paul Craig Roberts on the Jacobin coup in DC.

The Brownshirt Regime

More failure, more power.

Impeach Bush Now

Before he creates yet another disaster, says Paul Craig Roberts.

New Orleans Is a War Casualty

Iraq comes home.

What Is the 'Noble Cause'?

Paul Craig Roberts on the presidential crusade in the Middle East.

No Justice, No Peace

Paul Craig Roberts on lying prosecutors and oppressive cops.

Get Ready for WWIII

Thanks, George, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Kelo Catastrophe

Paul Craig Roberts disagrees with Lew Rockwell (and not on trade).

Impeach the Whole Bunch

Paul Craig Roberts on lying pols.

The Failed Adventure

It's being tossed on history's trash heap, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Hey. George

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush's last chance.

Killing and Lies

Paul Craig Roberts on why the US has been defeated in Iraq.

He's Ruining America

Paul Craig Roberts on the consequences of Bush's war of aggression.

Why the War of Aggression?

Paul Craig Roberts wonders if the C-in-C knows himself.

Are Ordinary Americans Guilty?

Of aggressive war and the destruction of liberty?

Manufacturing 'Terrorists'

Paul Craig Roberts on the national-security state.

Destroying Companies and Countries

Paul Craig Roberts on the hubris and idiocy of executive power.

Doormats for a War Criminal

Paul Craig Roberts on Congress and the American people.

The OKC Bomb: a Federal Sting Gone Wrong?

Paul Craig Roberts on the cover-up of a federal torture-murder, and what it means.

Darth Dubyous

Paul Craig Roberts on George W. Palpatine.

Impeach and Convict

Nothing else will cleanse America, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Mass Murder for Democracy

Paul Craig Roberts on Wilson's War by Jim Powell, and Wilsonian George.

Cakewalk Slavery

Paul Craig Roberts on the "draft solution."

Change Has Begun That the US Can't Control

Paul Craig Roberts on DC's Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Bin Laden Approves

Of US Iraq policy.

The Brownshirt Media

They're conservatives, of course.

The Five Morons

Paul Craig Roberts on our rulers.

The Imminent Terror Threat

From the US police state.

Conservatives Mean It

Paul Craig Roberts on their plans for world dominion.

The Party of Evil

Paul Craig Roberts on the Republicans.

Delusion and Sycophancy

Paul Craig Roberts on the regime.

Naked Aggression

Paul Craig Roberts on The New American Militarism.

They Promised Us a Rose Garden

Paul Craig Roberts on Bush, the neocons, and the flag wavers.

What Gets a General in Trouble

Being anti-torture.

A System Bereft of Justice

This Christmas, remember the wrongly imprisoned, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Even Atheists Should Celebrate Christmas

Christ brings us liberty, says Paul Craig Roberts.

A Dose of Non-Delusional Reality

Paul Craig Roberts to Douglas Feith.

The Costs of War

Paul Craig Roberts totes them up.

Is the Bush Administration Insane?

Paul Craig Roberts on endangering the world.

Conservatives Are Turning Into Nazis

They are the enemies of freedom and decency.

There He Goes Again

Paul Craig Roberts on another neocon war from Bush.

Ignore Neocon War Crimes

They are a mere detail, according to the Bush administration.

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

Paul Craig Roberts on last Tuesday.

Bush Has a Mandate

But only for "moral values," says Paul Craig Roberts.

Liberty Is At Stake

Paul Craig Roberts on the election.

The Brownshirting of America

Paul Craig Roberts on the ruling ideology of hate.

Rich Socialists

Thanks to war, economic interventionism, and truckling to the Yankees.

To Escape From Blunder

First, acknowledge reality.

Time for Effective Defense

In the war against men, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Attention Deficit America

Forged documents and lies. Paul Craig Roberts on tricking us into war.

Loser Democrats

They deserve to go down, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Salivating for 'WW 4'

Paul Craig Roberts on the shabby and sinister case for empire.

Neocon Perfidy

Paul Craig Roberts on Where the Right Went Wrong by Patrick J. Buchanan.

Want More Death and Destruction?

Big government at home too? Support the party of Lincoln, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Slow Boat Veterans for Lies

Paul Craig Roberts on the latest dirty trick.

Come Home, Bill Clinton, All Is Forgiven

Well, not quite, but your successor is far worse.

The Police State

Paul Craig Roberts on kangaroo justice in America and England.

Read Higgs, Bovard, and Rockwell

They are freedom's sentinels, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Present Danger Is Neoconservatism

How about a committee against that?

Don't Let Bush Invade Iran

The neocons are targetting more innocents for destruction.

Punishing the Innocent, Excusing the Guilty

Paul Craig Roberts on Martha Stewart and the war.

Republicans Are Worse Than Democrats

Paul Craig Roberts responds to his readers.

Hey, Mistakes Happen

Once again, government absolves itself of its crimes.

What Did Bush Know, and When Did He Know It?

Paul Craig Roberts on neocon fraud and the CIA.

The Trouble With Republicans

They are worse than Democrats, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Back in the USSR

Ashcroft wants defense attorneys to be adjuncts of the prosecution.

Reagan Changed the World

He firmly believed in capitalism, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Foreign Policy Deceit

Try honesty for a change.

The Last Refuge of Scoundrels

Paul Craig Roberts on neo-patriotism.

The Myths of Brown

They're alive and propagating in law school, says Paul Craig Roberts.

A Crime and a Blunder

Paul Craig Roberts on the newest captive nation.

My Friend Bill

Paul Craig Roberts remembers William Simon.

Judicial Dictatorship

Paul Craig Roberts on the real effect of Brown v. Board of Education.

American Conservatism, RIP

It's braindead, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Feds Treat Iraqis Like Americans

Paul Craig Roberts on what happens to dissidents.

The US Prison State

Paul Craig Roberts on the fate of freedom here at home.

The US Government Is the Locus of Virtue

That's why the feds should rule the universe, according to National Review.

National Review Stalinism

You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, they say.

Bush Is Colonizing Iraq

Why no questions about this?

The Fundie World War

Thanks, Christian right.

14 Years of Brutality and Barbarism

Paul Craig Roberts on the US war on Iraq.

American Caesar

Bush is leading us into a wider war that will consume our sons, our incomes, and our freedom, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Cakewalk to the Morgue

Paul Craig Roberts on neocon foreign policy.

Against All Enemies

Paul Craig Roberts on 9/11 incongruities.

Terrorizing Our Freedoms

Paul Craig Roberts on the legal costs of war.

It's Kangaroo Court Time

Paul Craig Roberts on Martha in the envious grip of the feds.

Trust Not Power

Paul Craig Roberts on one message from The Passion of The Christ.

Order Without Law

Thanks to government persecutors and cops, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Propaganda Comes True

Paul Craig Roberts on an old Soviet poster that seems like today's headlines.

Martha Stewart Tried for Fake Crimes

Like so many others.

You Do Not Want To Be a Columnist

Paul Craig Roberts explains.

America the Unfree

The income tax alone sees to that, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Trouble With Civil Rights

Paul Craig Roberts on Martin Luther King Day.

Prison For the Innocent

Paul Craig Roberts on US justice.

The Greatest Gift For All

Paul Craig Roberts on the civilization Christianity built.

Christmas in Prison

Forgive us our injustices, asks Paul Craig Roberts.

Two Who Made a Difference

Paul Craig Roberts on Robert Bartley and William Roth.

Hey, Conservatives

Stop backing the totalitarian prosecutor state.

America's New Agenda

No good will come of it, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Prevaricating Propaganda

Paul Craig Roberts on how the DC-ites do it.

Hold the War-Guilty Accountable

Paul Craig Roberts on the neocons.

The Republican Hate-Crimes Bill

It's a hate-crime itself.

The Ravening Maw of the State

It causes African starvation, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Rumsfeld Builds the Authoritarian State

Paul Craig Roberts on his next step.

One, Two, Many Hiroshimas

Paul Craig Roberts on the would-be nukers.

The Neo-Jacobins

An important new book exposes them, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Hyperpower Bleeds

Red ink.

Too Bad George Didn't Read

His father's book, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Bush Lied, Saddam Told the Truth

But you won't know it if you watch TV.

The Last Refuge

Paul Craig Roberts on patriotism and empire.

Alien America

At home and abroad.

Tyranny Erected on Our Soil

In the name of preventing accounting fraud.

The Push for World War IV

Paul Craig Roberts on the neo-Jacobins.

We Need Hoppean Governance

Paul Craig Roberts has some ideas. And read the book itself.

Hey, Democrats

It's up to you to get rid of Bush.

Mr. Bush, Tear Down Those Neocons

Before they blow up the world.

Neocons Admit They've Blown It

Military slavery may be next.

Turning Defense Lawyers into Government Spies

More justice from the feds.

'It Was Glorious To Beat People to Death'

Paul Craig Roberts remembers the cultural revolution.

Free Martha!

Her prosecution is a comedy of injustice, says Paul Craig Roberts.

It All Started With Brown

Paul Craig Roberts – author of The New Color Line – on sociological babble and the "law."

Official Race Categories

There is no equality before the law in the US, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Will Bush Be Extradited for War Crimes?

By a future Hispanic president?

Conquerors Conquered

Paul Craig Roberts on state-sponsored mass immigration.

You And I Are Criminals

Under the government's "justice" system. Article by Paul Craig Robers, author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

Gun Control

Think of it at the criminals' lobby, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Will Aggressive War Make Us Safer?

Paul Craig Roberts on neocon twaddle.

Democracy's Serf

That's you, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Our Enemy, the Judge

Paul Craig Roberts on the consent-decree coup.

Iraq Invasion Dooms Saddam

And Bush and Blair and the neocons, says Paul Craig Roberts.

Will Bush Be Impeached?

Paul Craig Roberts on the future of the president.

Privilege Before the Law

Paul Craig Roberts on the abolition of justice.

Sneak Attack

Samuel L. Baker and Paul Craig Roberts on movie critics and Gods and Generals.

Democracy + Envy = Disaster

Paul Craig Roberts, reviewing World on Fire, on what multiculturalism really means.

War vs. Liberty

Paul Craig Roberts interviews Robert Higgs.

The Republicans' Last Hurrah


Against Runaway Prosecution

Hooray for Gov. Ryan.

Class Genocide

Down the memory hole with it.

America's Stake in Christmas

Even atheists should be pro-Christian, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Red Guards Trial Is Over

And so is free speech.

First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All the Southerners

What else would satisfy the left-neocon coalition?

The Trial of Trent

Paul Craig Roberts on soft totalitarianism and the LRC opposition.

Neocon Freedom Indexes All Wet

Paul Craig Roberts on Beltway fantasies.

Soviet Economics

Paul Craig Roberts on socialism.

Secret Anti-Parent Police

The Wenatchee horror shows the true colors of Child Protective Services. Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Abolishing the Nation State

Paul Craig Roberts on liberal democracy's final hour.

The State Pushes Us into the Dark

Paul Craig Roberts on Homeland Security and war.

The Forgotten Genocide

Paul Craig Roberts on the communist killing of property owners.

Diversity vs. Freedom

Paul Craig Roberts on the suppression of free speech.

The Gottfried Analysis

Paul Craig Roberts on Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt.

Next: the Kulaks

Congress criminalizes capitalism.

DiLorenzo's Lincoln

Paul Craig Roberts examines the evidence.

It Isn't About Iraq

Paul Craig Roberts on terrorism, statism, and immigration.

Harvard Hate

Paul Craig Roberts on scholarship in Cambridge, Mass.

The Republican Police State

Paul Craig Roberts on Adolf Ashcroft and company.

Silence Is No Longer an Option

Paul Craig Roberts says that Britain and America are being denationized by mass immigration.

Some Racism Is A-OK

Paul Craig Roberts on the approved sort.

New Evidence Against Gun Control

Paul Craig Roberts on the British experience, and the important new Joyce Malcolm book.

Anti-Gun Myths Refuted

Paul Craig Roberts heralds an important new book, Guns and Violence by Joyce Lee Malcolm.

Burn Businessmen at the Stake?

Regulations only work, in accounting or elsewhere, to empower the state and its pals.

The Feds Are Waging War Alright

Against the American people. Article by Paul Craig Roberts (The Tyranny of Good Intentions).

Johnny Lindh, Political Prisoner

Paul Craig Roberts (The Tyranny of Good Intentions) on why this kid is a victim.

Crawling Corrupts

And slithering corrupts absolutely. Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Killing Muslims Is OK

It's racially profiling them that's a problem.

Law Has Become Tyranny

The entire "criminal justice" system is corrupt.

How To Defang a Corrupt Judiciary

And why we must, if freedom is to survive.

The Democratic Nazi Party

Republicans must dismantle their propaganda ministry, says Paul Craig Roberts.

The Brown v. Board of Education Scam

The real story of that monstrous judicial usurpation doesn't exactly match the official tale, as Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton show. P.S. Buy their great book for just $12.95. This work is essential for any freedom library, since it shows how the vicious rule by judges came about, and what we can do about it.

Paul Craig Roberts Townhall Archives