ConstitutionalEmergencyTo: BillSpenceSent: Thursday, December10, 2009 11:40 AMSubject:HomeschoolingConstitutional EmergencyA more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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To: Bill Spence

Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 11:40 AM

Subject: Homeschooling

Constitutional Emergency

A message to all members of Constitutional Emergency

A call out to all Patriots who have homeschooled their children and to all Patriots who've had enough of government indoctrination on/in their children.

We've started a new forum titled Home School Center. You can find it easily by hovering over the tab PFA ACTION CENTER . You will see the Home School Center in the drop down menu.

Please help us get our children away from the wolves in sheeps clothing. Let's use this forum to help educate parents how easy it is to homeschool and also post important tested and trusted websites, ideas, helpful hints and homeschool book sales, homeschool conventions, homeschool co-ops, etc.

If you want to homeschool but don't know how to get started, feel free to ask questions here.

Let's protect our kids!

This will not be a forum for any promotion of public schools.

Twana Blevins

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