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The Leuchter Report: The End of a Myth A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland by an Execution Equipment Expert

A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland by an Execution Equipment Expert

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Copyright Samisdat Publishers Ltd. 1988. Please note: Commercial use and/or exploitation is expressly prohibited by copyright. This book appears on the IHR Web site by express permission from Samisdat Publishers.


Table of Contents:

Publishers Comments

Foreword by Robert Faurisson




Synopsis and Findings


Use of HCN and Zyklon B as Fumigant

Design Criteria for a Fumigation Facility

Design Criteria for an Execution Gas Chamber

United States Execution Gas Chambers since 1920

Toxic Effects of HCN gas

A Brief history of the Alleged German Execution Gas Chambers

Design and Procedures at the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers


Forensic Considerations of HCN, Cyano-compounds and Crematories

Auschwitz, Krema 1


Krema II

Krema III

Krema IV

Krema V






Appendix 1: Graphics Analysis of Samples Taken at Auschwitz & Birkenau Showing Total Cyanide

Appendix 2: Sample Analysis Graph

Appendix 3: Translation of Documents No. NI-9912: Directives for the Use of Prussic Acid

Appendix 4: Maps of Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Madjanek

Appendix 5: Illustrations:

Krema I

Krema II

Krema III

Krema IV

Krema V

Delousing Chamber and Experimental Gas Chamber for Delousing; Unknown Heater Circulator (Majdanek)

Appendix 6: Letter from F. Leuchter to E. Zündel, dated May 14, 1988; clarification of Krema II and Krema III drawing.

Appendix 7: Letter from Bill Armontrout, Warden of Missouri State Penitentiary

Appendix 8: Letter from Fred Leuchter to Alpha Analytical Laboratory, dated March 9, 1998

Appendix 9: Certification for Chemical Analysis of Waters by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dept. of Environment Quality Engineering, dated March 15, 1988

Appendix 10: Document International Military Tribunal, DOC. L-022


Publisher's Comments
