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Conversations With Caesar

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s a tear that he is seeing forming on the etheric and soon there will be a split dividing this dimension. Caesar mentions that it is important for us to know that we have a choice being offered us, as we could easily be pulled along with the side of the tear that will be involved in negativity. This side will have to repeat the many trials of domination and control.

Those who can live with love and compassion will be able to graduate and move upwards towards a level where negative forces will not be able to coexist with them

Caesar speaks of the coming chaos and how we can protect ourselves from the turmoil.

But more than that ...

Caesar describes what life has been like for him since he was assassinated. He had been in the Bardo contemplating his mistakes for those 2000 years. He had been a great general but now that he was in spirit he had to contemplate and realize that he had done a great wrong, he had decimated entire tribes of people whom the Romans considered barbarians. He knows now that all life has the right to advance and grow according to their blueprint.

He confides that his mission was to bring in the Roman Peace to make way for Jesus Christ.

He gives the reasons why he missed his mission and why that had to be passed to someone else, Augustus Caesar.

His work is to make way for Jesus' coming again and he says he wouldn't miss that opportunity again.

Caesar describes what it was like to plan before coming into an incarnation, presenting the plan before the Board and making arrangements with others to support the earthly mission.

Caesar speaks of defining moments in a person's life. He discusses how easy it is to make a choice that thwarts your prebirth plans. Without realizing it he made one wrong choice and that moved his life in a completely different direction.

His daughter, Julia carried the light codes of love and the man she was to marry Flavius, carried the light codes of cooperation. Caesar was to subdue the frontier. He had done that in past lifetimes. He has always been the warrior. Flavius was to marry Julia and together along with Brutus who was to be the connection between the military and the people, they were to bring in the Roman Peace.

Caesar killed Flavius and the prebirth plans were destroyed.

I Carolyn Evers, remember being Julius Caesar's daughter.

That is why Caesar has come to me.

Also, it was through compassion that I could release Caesar from the Bardo

Again earth sits at a spot where we can overcome the dark and move towards the light.

We cannot afford to make a mistake because it will be a long time before the chance will come again.

Caesar holds nothing back and gives a testimony directly from the heart.

He explains how Augustus Caesar was really his grandson and not his nephew. It was necessary for the light codes which were in the DNA to be passed down through a new individual.

Augustus Caesar gives information on healing and confirms how he had two mothers, Julia and Atia. He talks about what he learned from Pompey and Caesar to become the new leader after his grandfather was assassinated.

Everyone will want to read this book!

Those interested in spiritual workings would find much information that is fresh and new.

For instance, Caesar speaks of dying consciously. There were many warriors who died suddenly. They were trapped in the etheric and he explains how they create their surroundings with a thought process, and so they repeat their lives as a warrior. And so it was necessary to release them because the inner planes will change as these new energies make changes on this planet. Caser gathered these men in a group and with help from people on earth moved them to the higher planes where advanced beings came and released them.

For those interested in Roman history, there is much information that is not in history books, and it is repeated from Caesar's memories.

Caesar's mother talks about how it was to die. She had no belief system that we lived on after we die.

She said that when the moment came, her husband was there. One moment she was on earth in a body and the next moment she was in her husband's arms. Together they have roamed the earth enjoying the pristine places of earth where nature is beautiful. They can see the past and future and trace lines of possibilities to learn. They are aware that we can leave this universe through the star Arcturus, but haven't found the necessity to leave.

Cornelia, Caesar's wife talks about how they planned the mission before coming to earth, how she loved Caesar and how she had spent many lifetimes with him. She mentions where our universe is moving in the cosmos and approaching an opening whereby the energies from the central sun will come to us directly and not have the need to be run thought he different systems to reach us. This has never happened here before on earth and we will have great advancements for the people on earth at that time.

This hasn't happened because our galaxy was created after the lat revolution. It takes a very long time to make one revolution around the central sun.

So the book is important and it is needed, but I don't know how to write the messages so that people could relate to them and take action.

There is a second book completed whereby Caesar discusses healing the body form past karmic energy blocks and present problems. Caesar has brought 17 others who disuses healing on different subjects and that will be Conversations With Caesar On Healing. Not ready for delivery yet, but it will be available soon.

The book is worth every penny because of the experience we enter into when we read the book.

These are words from spirit and they are beautiful.

We are being reminded how we are a part of God and how much God loves us.

Caesar has forecasted the energies as they came to earth in the Harmonic Concordance.

He explains where they came from and how they will affect our bodies and the entire earth. Anyone interested in the Harmonic Concordance event would want to read this.

The auhtor just did an interview with WFAD in Middlebury Vermont. They have a segment called the Jay Files which covers a book review. Jay said she rates books on a number scale from 1 thru 5 and she has given 'Conversations With Caesar' a number 6 rating! Jay said she loves the book. Conversations awakened something in her that was familiar.

Of course this information will 'feel' familiar.

We understood it when we were on the other side before we came to earth, but now that we are here we have forgotten it.

Read Conversations With Caesar and touch 'home' again.

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