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Iron Curtain Over America

By Col. John Beaty

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gence Service of the war department. He was also one of the two editors of the daily secret G-2 Reports. He was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and made Chief of the interview Section, the next three years he interviewed more than two thousand persons, some were returning from high mission.

The book is neither memoirs nor apology.

“And Ye Shall Know The Truth

And The Truth Shall Set You Free.”(16)

Chapter I

The Teutonic Knights And Germany.

Deals with how Europe’s unity fell apart after the fall of Rome, and then talks about the crusaders and what happened to them. When they seized Palestine, where they captured the Holy City and founded the Latin Kingdom over Jerusalem (1099).

Chapter II

Russia and the Khazars

The north central portion of Russia lived a people known to history as Khazars.

they stretched from the Caspian to the Black Sea. The Khazars did not have a religion and wanted one, so the King (Bulan) adopted the Jewish religion because he did not want to become subject to the Byzantine emperor or the Islamic caliph.

“The Talmud must not be regarded as an ordinary work, composed of 12 volumes; it possesses absolutely no similarity to any other literary production.”(1)

Chapter III

The Khazars Join The

Democratic Party

For a large scale communist exploitation of the United States was, our traditional lack of any laws of immigration into the United States. “The illegal entry of aliens into the United States is one of the most serious and difficult problems confronting the Immigration and Naturalization system” (2)

“During the world war, Brandeis occupied himself with a close study of the political phases of Jewish affairs in every country. Since that time his active interests in Jewish affairs has been centered in Zionism...”(3)

Chapter IV

“The Unnecessary War”(4)

The commander in Europe had a habit of asking the solders why they were fighting the Germans, 90% of the boys said they didn’t know.

When Hitler became ruler of Germany he issued a series of tirades against Communism which he considered a world menace. Whereas Roosevelt injected life into the sinking body of world communism. 1933 the International Jewish Boycott conference and the planed Jewish move against Germany as a “Holy War...” (5)

Chapter V

The Black Hood Of Censorship

“Who at the very top levels of the United States Government ordered the hiding of all intelligence reports that are unfavorable to the soviets, and the dissemination only of lies and communist propaganda”(6)

If you mention government censorship does not this imply that our government suppresses the newspaper.

“Most federal offices, directives, classification and policies which serve to hide, color or channel news... When the people rule, they have a right to know all about their government and what they know.”(7) The government thinks that it is dangerous and unwise to let information about government leak out in any unprocessed form.

Chapter VI

The Foreign Policy Of

The Truman Administration

Trumans first mistake in foreign policy, he can’t be rightly be blamed.

“President Truman, on that advice of Dean Acheson announced to the world that unless communist were admitted to established government of China, aid from America would no longer be forthcoming. Mr. Truman sent General Marshall to china with orders to stop mopping up the communist forces which was being carried out...”(8)

Chapter VII

Does The National

Democratic Party Want War

“As we all should now by this, time when the New Deal was about to crack up in 1941, Roosevelt, to save his hide, deliberately got us into World War II in order to save us something else to think about. The propaganda at that time, due to global nature of war was don’t swap horses when crossing a stream.”(9) This fake propaganda got him elected once again.

The National Democratic party want war, Socialistic controls, and plenty of casualties, not one fact known to the author points the contrary.

“Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die”(10) (St. John, XV,13)

“Greater love hath no man than this”(11) said the Savior.

There is nowhere in scripture or in history is there a justification for wasting young lives in the futerance of sinister political purposes.

Chapter VIII

Cleaning The Augean Stable

That we should wake up and get ride of the communistic people who are controlling this country

“There exists a world wide communist movement which, in it’s origin, it’s development whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups...”(12)

President Truman had no right to be in Korea because he had no declaration of war by congress, and primarily for not letting our troops fight the enemy with out all the weapons at their command. This should also constitute treason.

Chapter IX

America Can Still Be Free

“This England never did, nor never shall lie at the proud foot of a conqueror but when it first did help to wound itself”(13)

Douglas MacArthur made a speech of about forces which opposed our great traditions.

“I am concerned the security of our great nation, but not so much because of any potential threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from with in which, opposed to all our great tradition of our American way of life.”(14) there are those who seek to corrupt the young that they may rule them and there are some the seek to destroy our unity by stirring up antagonism.

“ There is no doubt that the Jews aided the Persians with all the man they could muster, and that the help they gave was considerable. Once Jerusalem was in Persian hands a terrible massacre of Christians took place, and the Jews are accused of having taken the lead in this massacre”(15) When Musa Iben-Nosair, the Governor of Africa, brought a second army into Spain and conquered other cities, he also delivered the people into the hands of the Jews.


1. Professor H. Graetz The Great History of the Jews ( The Jewish Publication Society of America)

2. The Immigration and Naturalization systems of the United States

3. An article on Brandeis in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia

4. Winston Churchill

5. Interntional Jewish Boycott Conference

6. Mr. Lane

7. Committee on Freedom of Information

8. Mr. Truman

9. E.B. Gallaher

10. General Eisenhower

11. St. John

12. House of Congress

13. Shakespeare

14. Douglas MacArthur

15. Mr. Parkes

16. St. John
