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The Uncovering of the Greatest Story Never Told

Gerald Vano

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d in modern times.

We will see how the cyclic nature of the spirit of life, known as the unchanging God, produced the world we live in. Also we will see how this cycling nature caused the creation of a new species on earth known as man, by using an alien species from another planet, causing them to genetically mix their genes with the animalistic Neanderthals of this planet, to produce the hybrid.

We will learn how the true purpose of Christ is to redeem us from our fallen sin nature, resulting from the unnatural genetic manipulation, to raise us to a fully aware alien spirituality. We will see that the bible along with the mythologies of the past, when properly decoded were telling us these truths all along, but we were not ready for them.

The Uncovering is a book that is unique bgecause it uncovers the hidden secrests that were hidden from the masses for thousands of years. Very few people on this planet are aware of the knowledge that is about to be exposed.

By tying together Mythologies of the past and Biblical verse in a unique way Gerald Vano uncovered a message that has been in the collective sub consciouness of man for thousands of years. This message reveals an event that will happen in the year 2012. THe Mayan prophecies say this event will raise the consciousness of man on this planet, and people are excited about this. What is shown in this book with undeniable evidence is that the Mayan along with other myths and Biblical scripture when fully deocded show that the raise of consciousness is due to a bending or speeding up of time caused by an unexpected apocalyptic shift in the polar axis of Earth.

There is also a chapter in this book that exposes the truth about a very controversial subject hot in the media today. It involves the "Da Vinci Code" book writtin by Dan Brown who in his book proposes that the bloodline of Jesus was carried on through Mary Matdalen and goes on today physically in the world. It is shown in this chapter that the bloodline of Jesus is not a physical line as he propses, but is a spiritual line carried on through the Holy Spirit. The challenging evidence shown in this chapter will prove to be undeniable.

Gerald Vano is a retired electronics engineer. For thirty years, he has been involved in the studying of science and the spirit. Twenty-five years ago, he went to Egypt and visited the Pyramids. While there, he had an unusual spiritual encounter with a spiritually gifted person. Since then, his whole life changed; he began to experience bursts of revelation knowledge. He then started to have dreams and visions and developed mystic abilities. He is well known in the South Shore area of Boston as a mystic and for his unusual spiritual abilities.