Levi H. Dowling Introduction by Eva S. Dowling
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This book is an extensive reworking of the Jesus story with strong Theosophical and Spiritualist influences. Of interest is the attempt to fill in the two decade gap in the Jesus's traditional biography. According to Dowling, Jesus spent a lot of time in the mystical East where he learned esoteric methods from the masters, while rebelling against the caste system. The narrative, unfortunately, has numerous historical inconsistencies, including Jesus meeting historical figures who lived hundreds of years before or after the first century, e.g. Mencius. The book has Jesus studying in India in the Orissa area; while this is an historically important ceremonial area, it didn't come into prominence until nearly a millenium later. In addition, this work appears to be derivative of The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ.
None of this lessens the charm or the esoteric insight of this book. Nor should its subterranean impact on popular spirituality in the United States be underestimated. The Aquarian Gospel was rediscovered during the spiritual ferment of the 1960s; a beat-up paperback copy of this book was de rigeur in every hippie pad, and it no doubt played an unsung role in naming the 'Age of Aquarius'. The Aquarian Gospel was probably one of the catalysts for the 'Jesus freak' movement. Although they would never admit it, many a staid evangelical Christian probably had their spiritual awakening while browsing this book in a head shop.
Section I: Aleph: Birth and Early Life of Mary, Mother of Jesus
Chapter 1Section II: Beth: Birth and Infancy of the Harbinger, and of Jesus
Section III: Gimel: Education of Mary and Elizabeth in Zoan
Chapter 7Section IV: Daleth: Childhood and Early Education of John the Harbinger
Chapter 13Section V: He: Childhood and Early Education of Jesus
Chapter 16Section VI: Vau: Life and Works of Jesus in India
Chapter 21Section VII: Zain: Life and Works of Jesus in Tibet and Western India
Chapter 36Section VIII: Cheth: Life and Works of Jesus in Persia
Chapter 38Section IX: Teth: Life and Works of Jesus in Assyria
Chapter 42Section X: Jod: Life and Works of Jesus in Greece
Chapter 44Section XI: Caph: Life and Works of Jesus in Egypt
Chapter 47Section XII: Lamed: The Council of the Seven Sages of the World
Chapter 56Section XIII: Mem: The Ministry of John the Harbinger
Chapter 61Section XIV: Nun: The Christine Ministry of Jesus--Introductory Epoch
Chapter 65Section XV: Samech: The First Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus
Chapter 72Section XVI: Ain: The Second Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus
Chapter 91Section XVII: Pe: The Third Annual Epoch of the Christine Ministry of Jesus
Chapter 124Section XVIII: Tzaddi: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Chapter 159Section XIX: Koph: The Trial and Execution of Jesus
Chapter 165Section XX: Resh: The Resurrection of Jesus
Chapter 172Section XXI: Schin: Materialisation of the Spiritual Body of Jesus
Chapter 173Section XXII: Tau: Establishment of the Christine Church