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Hannity: 'Powerful. I couldn't put it down'

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Did you ever wonder how Americans could possibly be so clueless as to choose a pro-Marxist, pro-Muslim narcissist to lead them?

Do you wonder why people like Charlie Sheen, who have everything most people covet – talent, fame, good looks and enormous wealth – so often self-destruct?

Do you understand why big, outrageous lies really are more believable than little ones?

Can you fathom why 1 in 10 American adults today are taking powerful, dangerous, mood-altering antidepressant drugs?

Do you know why a barbaric, tyrannical, 7th-century political-legal-military system called Shariah Islam is successfully implanting itself not only in Europe and the UK, but in America?

The answers to all these and hundreds of other equally perplexing but jugular questions are packed into David Kupelian's acclaimed blockbuster, "How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America" – now available in paperback!

"How Evil Works" is the sequel to Kupelian's 2005 classic, "The Marketing of Evil," still one of the hottest-selling culture-war books in the country, now in its 12th printing. An award-winning journalist and influential columnist, Kupelian has been WND's vice president and managing editor since 1999.

Here's what others are saying about Kupelian's work:

Sean Hannity Hannity: 'I couldn't put it down'

"How Evil Works" was introduced to the nation by Sean Hannity, who told his audience, "This is a powerful book ... I couldn't put it down."

Barry FarberHannity's assessment of "How Evil Works" mirrors that of others who have read it. Legendary radio talk-show host Barry Farber expressed it in his typical, colorful style: "With the unapologetic outrage of a saint and the fearless fury of a General Patton, here comes David Kupelian turning a blowtorch of good upon the putrid cobwebs of evil. Do you remember removing the back of a clock to look into the workings? In 'How Evil Works,' Kupelian lets us look directly into evil itself. There it is – every tick, every tock, every trick, every shock. Kupelian doesn't rest with 'Sunlight is the best disinfectant.' He prefers the scorch-light."
Chuck NorrisChuck Norris praises "How Evil Works" in his latest column, "I believe in the resurrection of America," saying: "David Kupelian, in his new insightful treatise on what truly lurks behind the troubles in government and America, 'How Evil Works,' notes that we've been 'seduced' to believe that 'the self-evident truths' the founders relied upon are just outdated and dangerous myths." "No wonder," Kupelian says, "millions of Americans have gradually been demoralized into depending upon government to solve all of their problems, fueling today’s uncontrolled, cancer-like growth in government."
Joseph FarahWND founder and editor Joseph Farah sizes it up this way: "Thoreau said, 'There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.' In his tour de force 'How Evil Works,' WND Managing Editor David Kupelian strikes at evil's root with devastating effectiveness, building on the revelations in his classic best-seller 'The Marketing of Evil,' No library is complete without both the original and the dazzling sequel."
Jerome CorsiAnd No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., says: "'How Evil Works' is fresh, original, and startlingly insightful. David Kupelian reveals the hidden mechanisms that allow lies and deception to take root in modern America. A truly important book."