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Sound Advice for Unstable Times


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Protect your family and yourself from the worst times headed our way

Maybe it's human nature. Maybe it's distinctly American. It's that insistence that "it could never happen to me," and "it could never happen here." But even a casual look around tells us things are very wrong in this country. Boarded-up businesses. Half-empty airports. "For rent" signs everywhere. Entire residential developments, even entire American towns, abandoned. Around this country there is a palpable sense that exporting our jobs, consuming more than we produce and financing our entire way of life on debt, has in itself been a kind of subprime mortgage, and that foreclosure is at hand.

Now, a few years ago, had you uttered the possibility that America was on the brink of a crisis, that our banking system could collapse, or that the U.S. dollar's days were numbered, you would have been called a "gloom and doomer." Imagine you had said that that the Constitution itself would become a meaningless anachronism in an America increasingly closing in on individual liberties. Or that a Greater Depression was at our doorstep. Had you uttered any of these possibilities only a few years ago, someone might have thought you were speaking from a militia compound in Idaho.

"I believe that we are very close in this country right now to the point where there's a remnant of people who understand what we've lost and they will basically do anything to recapture what we've lost"

Joseph Farah – "The Fall of America and the Western World"

PLAY VIDEOIn a hard-hitting, pull-no-punches documentary called "The Fall of America and the Western World," I was introduced to Joseph Farah, one of the many luminaries to grace the film. Farah, like the film itself, is far more interested in liberty, and the immediate threats to it, be they political or economic; and to all its enemies, foreign or domestic.

"One of the reasons I believe the American people have not protested the encroachments on their freedoms is because they trust their government. The American people have had a good relationship with their government. But that is changing and with good reason. Today we're reaching a kind of a critical mass, things are happening very fast, the economy is in ruins, people find they have to turn to government for relief. And that is a bad situation for anyone to be in. In means you become a subject rather than a free, sovereign person."

Joseph Farah – "The Fall of America and the Western World"

If we are increasingly doomed to live in a socialistic country, then what can we do to preserve what we've worked our butts off to get – our home, our car, our way of life – so the hard-earned fruits of our labors do not get re-distributed for the greater good.

"The Fall of America and the Western World" is actually more of a comprehensive home-study course, at over 10 hours on 9 DVDs.  Mr. Farah is surrounded by notables such as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Naomi Wolf, Doug Casey, G. Edward Griffin, Professor Mark Crispin Miller and others. Their perspectives, from left, right and center, are diverse to say the least. And what fascinates is the degree of common ground they share on everything from protecting your wealth, to the coming "Greater Depression," to the dismantling of our free society as we know it, evidenced by ever-increasing infrastructures of Orwellian surveillance and control.

8 Survival Guide DVD Set"George Orwell wrote a book called '1984' and I guess we were all relieved when 1984 came and went and we weren't living in this great Big Brother nightmare world he envisioned. But here we are in the 21st century and it seems like we can begin to see just what Orwell was talking about, right here in the United States of America. We see people, powerful people, who want to control what we read, what we see, what we say. I believe we are moving very rapidly toward a system of tyranny in this country that George Orwell well understood."

Joseph Farah – "The Fall of America

and the Western World"

There was a time when the field of economics was not distinct from philosophy. Economists like Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and David Ricardo were called, simply, philosophers. At its core, economics is inseparable from questions about the very nature of man, liberty, and ethics. For Mr. Farah, the key struggle lies in the eternal contradiction between individual liberty and the power of the state. And by extension, the contradiction between sound money on the one hand, and fiat currencies created by government-run printing presses on the other; the latter generating debt, devaluation and ultimately the collapse of every non-gold backed currency in the history of the world.

"Where are all these trillions of dollars coming from that the government is planning to spend in the next few years?  It's coming from the Federal Reserve.  Not that they have any money at the Federal Reserve but the electronic digits that are required to make these transactions possible, to authorize the government to actually print more money.  That power comes from the Federal institution without any accountability to the people."

Joseph Farah – "The Fall of America and the Western World"

Buy Now

John Adams: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide."

Thomas Jefferson: " ... democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Thomas Jefferson: " ... democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

James Madison: " ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths."

Who is featured in this film?

  • Joseph Farah, the founder, editor and chief executive officer of, the world's leading independent Internet news source.
  • Naomi Wolf, an author and essayist whose works have appeared in The New Republic, Wall Street Journal, Glamour, Ms., Esquire, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.
  • Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, an economist and a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration earning fame as the "Father of Reaganomics."
  • Professor Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies at New York University and the author of the book: "Fooled Again."
  • Doug Casey, an American free market economist, best-selling financial author, and international investor and entrepreneur. Since 1979, he's written a monthly investment newsletter, "The International Speculator."
  • David Icke, a former professional soccer player, journalist, network anchorman with the BBC, spokesman in the 1980s for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world.
  • Mickey Z, a writer, editor, blogger and novelist. He writes a bimonthly column, "Mickey Z. Says," for VegNews magazine and he has also appeared on the C-SPAN network's Book TV program.
  • David McAlvany, is president of the McAlvany Financial Group and ICA, a 35-year-old precious metals brokerage firm. He has been a featured speaker on radio and around the country analyzing world events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He was educated at Biola University and is an associate member of Keble College, Oxford University, where he studied literature and political philosophy.
  • Doug McIntyre, the morning host on Los Angeles, California talk radio station KABC Radio. McIntyre's background includes work as television writer-producer (his credits include: WKRP in Cincinnati, Full House, Mike Hammer and the critically acclaimed PBS series, Liberty's Kids, which earned McIntyre a Humanitas Prize nomination).
  • G. Edward Griffin, an American film producer, author, and political lecturer. After writing for the 1968 Wallace campaign, he began a career of producing documentaries and books on often-debated topics like cancer, Noah's ark, and the Federal Reserve, as well as on right-libertarian views of the U.S. Supreme Court, terrorism, subversion, and foreign policy.
  • Ken Klein, is no stranger to titanic battles. As a standout college football player and former player of the National Football League (NFL). Colorful and controversial, Klein over the past two decades has appeared on hundreds of radio, and television shows. His book, "America, Globalism and the False Prophet" is the most riveting prophetic book on biblical prophecy.

    Insights from Mr. Farah and others in the film explain exactly what is at fault with our currency. Why the Federal Reserve System only makes things worse. As do "bailouts." And how the Ponzi scheme that is the U.S. economy cannot survive.   They foretell the erosion of our civil liberties, freedoms and even our nation-state itself.  And they tell you how to protect yourself, your family and your assets.  But the prescriptions in "The Fall of America and the Western World," just like those of Mr. Farah to his subscribers, are not one size fits all. Everyone’s situation is different.  So too is everyone’s plan.

    "The Fall of America and the Western World" is certainly ambitious, tying together everything from economic demise, to the forthcoming police state. Weighing in at over 9 hours, this 9 disc DVD series is packed with priceless information from Joseph Farah and other notables.  "The Fall of America and the Western World" will not be "as seen on TV" – because the truth rarely is.

Click here to get "Fall of America" now

'America For Sale'

Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty


Between President George W. Bush's "new world order" and the unprecedented governmental growth and massive redistribution of wealth under President Barack Obama, the United States risks losing the greatest middle class ever created in the history of the world. In his groundbreaking new book, "America for Sale: Fighting the New World Order, Surviving a Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty," Dr. Jerome R. Corsi blows the whistle on a movement to undercut the fundamental principles of limited government that our Founding Fathers fought for and died for trying to establish.

As policy-makers manipulate the economic panic of our times to advance a globalist agenda that threatens American sovereignty, we must protect our independent and self-governing nation and preserve the decades of economic power and military strength we have enjoyed since the end of World War II.

In "America for Sale", Corsi explains the globalists' plan to put America on the chopping block. While the radical Left promotes socialism and the radical Right champions unbridled free trade, valuable jobs are being outsourced, our national borders erased, and our dollar destroyed before our very eyes.

Foreign investors are buying up U.S. assets, from financial-services firms to public infrastructure such as highways. We are on our way to a European Union-type North American common market and a one-world government.

With constructive solutions for resisting the global New Deal, reversing our dependence on foreign oil, and strengthening our middle class, Corsi shares important and practical strategies to help American families survive an imminent economic depression.

"The United States can be a major player in the world economy without sacrificing our sovereignty, the strength of our national domestic economy, or the dollar. America is for sale – unless taxpayers stand up and say 'NO!' to the globalist political agenda that threatens our great nation's freedom," Corsi writes.

In "America for Sale," Jerome R. Corsi explains America's current challenges with stunning clarity and offers a course of action to help America come out on top.

Jerome R. Corsi
Jerome R. Corsi received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972. He is the author of the No. 1 New York Times best-seller "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality" and the co-author of "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry," which was also a No. 1 New York Times best-seller.

Click here to get "America for Sale" now

Legalize The Constitution

Dont Tell Darwin Time For Another Tea Party
Flip This House Judgement Day
Liberty Oba Mau
Pro Choice Lighting
Your Wallet Obumma
Buy American Former Embryo On Board
Stop the Bailout Global Warming is a Hoax
Stop Spending! Cap and Trade CONGRESS in 2010
Undocumented Worker Where's the Birth Certificate
how's your Hope & Change working out so far? You Lie!
Impeach Obama! Don't tell Obama what comes after a trillion
Don't Tread on Me Live Free or Die

America Was Founded By Right Wing Extremists

I'll Keep My Money, You Keep The Change
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 6:20 AM
Subject: Sound advice for unstable times