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Contact: Fran Russo

Phone: 732-533-7276


Fran Russo


Q'enti Publishers

P.O. Box 491

Middlesex, New Jersey 08846

Phone: 732-533-7276


Middlesex, NJ June 2, 2009 - Imagine waking up at 6:00AM, high in the Andes, the sky a clear, clean blue, the air cold and crisp, the first sight you see is the face of The Old Man, majestic, ancient, welcoming.  Imagine, walking deep in the Amazon jungle, the joyous sound of the macaws and the monkeys are your companions; the wild, primal life surrounding you lift you up, reminding you that you are alive.  Through The Eyes of Jaguar: One Woman's Journey, a book written by Fran Russo that brings the inspiration that we can all make our dreams come true.


Fran has worked with the shamans and healers of Peru in her many journeys there.  Those teachings showed her how to bring order to the chaos of everyday life.  In the chapter, Lighten Up!, Fran talks about how she realized that, by not taking herself so seriously and everything so personally, the pressure of life eased up tremendously.  Being aware of instinctual feelings and what to do with them is what the chapter, Pay Attention, is all about. 


"The ways of Peru helps one to get to the core of one's self, cutting through all the layers of beliefs", Ms. Russo observed.  "When a person actively steps in and shows up consciously, doing what one knows has to be done, irregardless of whether it feels "right" or convenient, that person can then fully, joyfully embrace Life without reservation or resistance", Fran further stated.


Join Fran Russo, as she traveled from a comfortable, safe world into a world that showed her what it is to be who she actually is.  Through her experiences in Peru and the teachings brought back with her, Fran brings the inspiration that we can all make our dreams come true.  Fran Russo of Ayllusuyu, an organization based on the healing ways of Peru, is a curandera working in the traditions of the Peruvians shamans for many years.  She has traveled extensively throughout Peru, from the heights of the Andes into depths of the Amazon jungle as well as into Bolivia and the Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku regions.  For further information to join in on the Peru journeys, the Medicine Wheel, Advanced Chakana or any of Ayllusuyu's events, visit Fran's website at:  For more information and to register for these journeys and events, please contact Fran at 732-533-7276 or via e-mail at Through The Eyes of Jaguar: One Woman's Journey, published by Q'enti Publishers, can be purchased through Fran's web site.