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Jan. 7, 2016

Dont be fooled, this is the plunge protection team clearly hard at work. Nobody in their right mind is buying these dips. China has halted trading, literally closing markets twice this week after single day declines of 7%. Yesterday Chinese markets were open less than 30 minutes. Oil is at multi decade lows, just breaching $33 per barrel today, a number not seen since 2004. We are seeing headlines such as “Dow has worst four-day start to a year on record.” from CNN. Meanwhile a Fed official confesses a rigged stock market. Gold and Bitcoin are just starting to breakout while silver is being kept flat.

These are incredibly strange days indeed. The cracks are showing today more than ever and as the stock markets appear set to collapse any moment, the US dollar surges. This is the volatility before a massive financial event. If a Tsunami were coming we are watching the water ebb out to sea now.

As if the grim financial news wasn’t enough, the world is at the cusp of revolution. Germany and Sweden, among others in Europe are literally burning as ‘Migrant’ riots break out and rapes rise dramatically. Women are being warned to stay in groups and avoid Migrant men. Meanwhile President Obama sheds tears in an emotionally charged media display to enact executive order on gun control.

To makes matters even worse yet, we have to watch our country splinter while people we may have once called ‘friends’ post social media with memes such as the following.

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This is as disturbing as it is pathetic, to watch people take the bait, only then to be turned against us.

I watched a recent podcast from The Patriot Nurse, The Time For Compromise Is Over, where she helps one more clearly understand this division taking place right in front of us. The neo-socialists in this country, perhaps including those “Feel The Bern” fans, literally believe they are entitled to your labor and to your wealth. As the ultimate statists, they support the use of force by government to take your wealth, your guns, or anything else they can twist their minds into believing they may be entitled to.

The risks to our freedom are many. It is up to us to protect our areas of exposure. Our money in the system may be some of the lowest hanging fruit. As author Ellen Brown recently covered, account bail ins are now taking place in Europe. It’s only a matter of time before we see it here. If you still have money inside IRAs, 401k, etc let this serve as a red alert, Get It Out.

And to only add to the insanity, the below is just in from RT.


The veil is being lifted as the new axis of evil is exposed. Libya wasn’t about “spreading democracy” rather stealing gold and oil.