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US Middle Class Stays Dead: Homeownership Drops To 48 Year Low; Median Asking Rent Soars To All Time High

Tyler Durden

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July 28, 2015

Three months ago, just as the last Census Homeownership and residential vacancy report hit, Gallup released its latest survey [10]which confirmed just how dead the American Dream has become for tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans.

According to the poll, the number of Americans who did not currently own a home and say they do not think they will buy a home in "the foreseeable future," had risen by one third to 41%, vs. "only" 31% two years ago. Non-homeowners' expectations of buying a house in the next year or five years were unchanged, suggesting little change in the short-term housing market.

As Gallup wryly puts it, "what may have been a longer-term goal for many may now not be a goal at all, and this could have an effect on the longer-term housing market."