Mexican Cement Company Offers To Help Trump Build His "Big, Beautiful, Powerful" Border Wall
As Trump gears up to take the oval office, vendors are already lining up to get a piece of his massive infrastructure projects, including his "Big, Beautiful, Powerful Border Wall." Ironically, one of the first vendors to publicly announce their interest in bidding on the border wall is none other than Mexican cement producer, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua. While Trump's border wall has been fiercely protested by numerous senior elected officials in Mexico, including former President Vicente Fox, Grupo Cementos' CEO admits "we can't be choosy."
A Mexican cement maker is ready to lend its services to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to build the wall he wants to erect on the southern border of the United States to curb immigration.
"We can't be choosy," Enrique Escalante, Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) said in an interview. "We're an important producer in that area and we have to respect our clients on both sides of the border."
Based in Chihuahua, a large northern state bordering Texas and New Mexico, GCC is one of the biggest construction materials companies in Mexico. It generates around 70 percent of its sales in the United States, where it also has three plants.
Escalante said Trump's plans to invest in energy and infrastructure in the United States augured well for the firm.
"For the business we're in, Trump is a candidate that does favor the industry quite a bit," Escalante said.
Luckily for Trump, and Grupo Cementos, the National Enquirer has already drawn up "construction plans & blueprints."