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Is China Communist or Capitalist ?

Jim Condit Jr.

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Busser" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 2:01 PM
Subject: [Is China Communist or Capitalist ? (very good)
----- Original Message -----

From: "Jim Condit Jr." <>

To: "robert" <>

Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 5:30 AM

Subject: {NA} Is China Communist or Capitalist ?


> July 26, 2009 NA (Network America) e-wire


> Is China Communist or Capitalist?


> To understand this question - is to understand

> much of the world today.


> Story #1


> In the year 2000, Daniel New (father of soldier

> Michael New who refused to wear the UN blue

> beret) told me that he had a good friend at

> Walmart who had informed him that Walmart had

> just moved its main buying office to China. 85%

> of the goods carried in Walmart stores even at

> that time were made in China.


> Story #2


> Circa 1980 one of my friends was in pre-med at

> the University of Cincinnati.


> He became friends with a young lady who had grown

> up in China, and had recently come to the USA.

> She told him that when she worked at the markets

> in Peking, white people who came by plane where

> allowed to go around the market and take anything

> they wanted for free.


> Story #3


> Circa 2004 friends of mine had found a product

> that started selling very well. It was a seasonal

> product, and near the end of the season the

> supplier (who was getting the goods made in

> China) began to become hard to deal with (on

> purpose). My friends were in near panic, as the

> supplier was suddenly not guaranteeing shipments

> that had been promised. I went home and looked on

> the internet for suppliers, and I sent out a few

> emails.


> The next day one of the companies called me. It

> was a nice lady who said, "I own a factory." As I

> gave her my friend's number, I thought to myself,

> "Good, an American factory."


> Later, I found out from my friend that the

> factory this lady owned was in China. (She did

> solve their problem, by the way.)




> In fact, China is the largest "limited

> corporation" that has ever existed. Our old

> friends, the International Banksters (the

> Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, et al) own

> and direct the commerce of China. They, or more

> properly the thousands of western business people

> let in on the deal directly or, now, in many

> cases indirectly, -- get the products made by the

> Chinese people at slave or near-slave wages, and

> mark them up 10 times (or whatever) and sell the

> products to us at Walmart, or wherever.


> So China is in between - Communist in the way the

> government has the boot stamping on the face of

> the people (like only allowing one child per

> family, and forcing the parents themselves to

> kill any second child, if discovered), and

> Capitalist in the way of making the goods for the

> world. Needless to say, more and more privileged

> Chinese (those who will play ball with the

> ruthless government and the western Banksters

> behind them) are let in on owning, or at least

> partially owning, the factories in China.




> There is a little part of history that many have

> not heard, and others have heard - but not

> understood fully.


> Right after World War II, a great struggle was

> going on in China.


> The Rothschild allied banksters had found,

> educated (in Moscow, Russia) and FINANCED one Mao

> Tse Tung to bring Communism to China.


> Now what is Communism? Communism is the police

> arm of the Banksters.


> Chiang Kai Shek was leading the effort in China

> to beat back Communism, which suddenly had so

> much international support (from the Banksters).


> It is well known from many sources that General

> George Catlett Marshall, a top operator for

> President FDR (1932 to 1945) and President Truman

> (1945 to 1952) - made the famous statement: "I

> have disarmed Chiang Kai Shek with the stroke of

> a pen." What did this mean?


> This meant that as the battle ramped up between

> the freedom fighters (led by Chaing Kai Shek) and

> the Communists (led by Mao Tse Tung), both sides

> had been increasingly funded from outside sources

> helping them get more sophisticated weapons. The

> banksters' arm of Communism in Russia was funding

> the Communist Mao Tse Tung, and providing him

> with weapons.


> The bankster arm in the USA (FDR and Truman

> Administrations) was funding the Freedom Fighters

> led by Chiang Kai Shek - TO A POINT.


> Circa 1946, bankster agent General George Catlett

> Marshall signed an order to stop all funding of

> Chaing Kai Chek. The predictable result was that

> the freedom fighters were pushed off Mainland

> China - and onto the large island of Taiwan - and

> the Red Chinese, or Communists (police arm of the

> banksters), took over the mainland.


> In the following years, Mao Tse Tung instituted

> one of the most hideous reigns of terror of all

> time, killing between 34 million and 64 million

> of the Chinese people. This was done to "break up

> the old order", in preparation for re-formulating

> the greatest limited corporation of all time -

> which would provide slave labor and near slave

> labor to the new owners of the country, the

> International Banksters around the Rothschilds,

> Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc.


> There are hundreds of books written about this

> period.


> Two that tell it like it is are, "Again, May God

> Forgive Us" by Robert Welch, founder of the John

> Birch Society, -- and - "America's Retreat From

> Victory", by the great Senator Joseph McCarthy of

> Wisconsin.


> "America's Retreat from Victory" is subtitled:

> "The Story of George Catlett Marshall." It is the

> transcript of a 90,000 word speech given on the

> floor of the US Senate by Senator Joseph McCarthy

> on June 15, 1951.


> If you want to understand why the Banksters

> directed their media to vilify McCarthy - read

> this speech, or at least part of it, in its book

> form. McCarthy spoke in a cogent, clear way that

> Americans could understand. And he made his case

> with the utmost clarity and documentation.


> Both books show that the sabotaging of free China

> in favor of Communist China by the Truman

> administration - was a well thought out, ruthless

> plan.


> And now you know the reason why - because Mao Tse

> Tung, under the label "Communism", was the front

> man behind which the banksters took over China

> and made it into their limited corporation,

> staffed with slave labor and near slave labor.




> Many will remember or have heard that in the

> Korean War General MacArthur saw the chance to

> win the war AND continue into China and knock out

> Mao Tse Tung and the Communists so that Chiang

> Kai Chek could return from Taiwan and preside

> over a free China.


> When MacArthur made his move, President Truman

> fired him (relieved him of his command) in 1951

> and ordered him back to the United States.


> The banksters were not about to allow a patriotic

> American General to spoil their plan to make

> China into their big PROFIT CENTER and limited

> corporation.




> So, today, China is moving from Communism into

> Capitalism - but it is not true free enterprise,

> but MONOPOLY Capitalism where the Banksters rule

> with an iron fist from behind the scenes.


> The same banksters are doing the same thing now

> to the United States of America - moving us from

> true free enterprise to MONOPOLY CAPITALISM, or,

> as Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan called it

> in 1996, "vulture capitalism."


> (And, oh, the top Zionist Jew, Charles

> Krauthhammer wrote a real nasty column against

> Buchanan for using the term "vulture capitalism."

> You see, Krauthhammer understood that if this

> type of thinking caught on, it would only be

> weeks before he and all his cronies would be

> arrested and put on trial for treason, to say

> nothing of crimes against humanity.)


> The standard of living is raising a little bit at

> a time in China, just as the standard of living

> is being forced down quickly in the USA (by the

> withdrawing of massive amounts of money from

> availability to the people -0 orchestrated by the

> same international bankster cabal whose fathers

> made China a Communist country).


> In the 1958 book, "The Struggle for World Power",

> author George Knupffer explains the common origin

> of MONOPOLY Capitalism and Communism - both

> orchestrated by the same international banking

> forces around the Rothschilds and Rockefellers,

> -- both of which are feverishly working towards a

> world government and the subjugation of mankind.


> So, today China is both Communistic AND moving

> towards capitalism under the control of the

> MONOPOLY Capitalists in New York, Washington D.C.

> and London.




> What we need in every country is free enterprise

> under a sane banking system, run by individuals

> who are trying to SERVE the people, not dominate

> them.


> Henry Ford said that World War I could have been

> prevented if 300 international bankers had been

> rounded up and put in jail.


> It's not quite that simple today - but the

> current drive towards world misery and world

> government could be halted with the arrest of

> about 300 international banksters (Geithner,

> Greenspan, Bernanke, Rothschilds, Rockefellers,

> and many names I do not know).


> * * * * * * *


> A reminder that we need 1500 good Americans to

> help finance our precinct strategy so we all have

> a CHANCE to save the country.


> Remember that you will be automatically sent the

> download link for the new 2444 page ebook

> "Network America Ewires - 2000 to 2008" - by

> donating anything from $5 on up to the Precinct

> Project at at the link under

> the videos, by sending a contribution via Paypal

> to - or by regular mailing to:

> Network America, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio

> 45211.


> (You can also snag the 2444 page ebook of the

> Network America ewires for $17 at

> )


> Many thanks to the 30 or so folks who have

> already generously helped so far - and it's

> imperative we find the others soon, which I will

> explain with emnphasis in one of the upcoming

> ewires. It is already explained in large part at

> in the top video, "The

> Strangest Political Secret."


> We must ACT intelligently and behind a realistic

> plan if we are to save our country from what

> Obummer and his backers are preparing for us.



> Jim Condit Jr.

> 513-741-2095


> Network America

> PO Box 11339

> Cincinnati, Ohio 45211






> Network America


> PO Box 11339

> Cincinnati, Ohio

> 45211

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