Goldman Sachs Takes Big Gamble on Growth of Carbon Offset Market
(November 12th, 2008)
The carbon offset market took a big jump today with the alliance between E+Co and Goldman Sachs (GS). Goldman has agreed to purchase the majority of E+Co’s carbon offset portfolio and help promote E+Co’s goal of providing investment capital and support services to small, clean energy business ventures in developing countries.
E+Co is a 15-year-old nonprofit investment company started as a result of a Rockefeller Foundation study on opportunities for developing clean energy businesses in developing nations. It provides business support services and capital to clean energy businesses in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and the United States.
E+Co also assists clean energy businesses with the aggregation, validation, verification and creation of high quality GHG offsets, including those that will be sold to Goldman Sachs. The carbon financing provides the enterprises with additional capital that supports, sustains and helps clean energy ventures grow.
Goldman has made a big bet on the growth of the U.S. carbon offset market and on the continuing pressure to do something about climate change issues. Small-scale clean energy projects, while supporting important social and environmental benefits, can struggle to attract sufficient capital to assure success. The financial backing and business development services provided by E+Co assists small businesses in those developing nations to supply clean and affordable energy to those regions, efforts that simultaneously increase employment opportunities and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Goldman’s move is just another subtle reminder that smart companies are preparing now for the advent of a U.S. carbon trading market. Even though companies must exercise prudence in order to survive this market correction, executives must be mindful that failure to address both current and future market shifts will put your organization at a competitive disadvantage.
We anticipate the mounting wave of clean energy activity will generate greater pressure for companies of all sizes to measure and monitor their GHG emissions and acquire those carbon credits Goldman Sachs will help E+Co create.