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Iraqi Insurgency: Terrorism or Outrage?

By Karl W. B. Schwarz

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been invaded by a trespasser, a thief. The more I look at what Bush-Cheney are up to, the more I am coming to the conclusion that most of the Iraqi insurgency is a legitimate opposition to our occupation of their nation and systematic theft of their national assets by deceit and subterfuge. I do not think it is the presence of our military that is the problem. I think it is the robber barons of this nation, what I call Financial Terrorists that are carving up Iraq like they carve us up that are driving the insurgency.

Now, before you wig out on that statement, understand that I am a very Conservative Republican, a devout Christian, I am not an antiwar person in the least bit, but I have very clear [black and white clear] principles on the proper use of our military. Additionally, I demand truth from our elected leaders and I cannot remember the last time I have seen the truth from George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush.

Are you aware of Israeli firms that are setting up shop in Iraq? With the hatred towards Israel, what role do you think that lunacy would produce in a nation that does not like Israel at all? The only reason Israel is there is because we are there and think we can change 1,000 to 2,000 years of seething hatred with the wave of a Bush or Rumsfeld wand.

I see many lies, no truth. It does not matter how Bush – Cheney spin it, thievery is still thievery.

People resent being robbed and plundered. You would, so put yourselves into the shoes of others and look at things from both sides before making up your mind.

Aiding and abetting theft of property is not one of those proper uses of our military in my mind. We have done it in Afghanistan in the military forced removal of the Taliban and Bridas Corporation of Argentina to get control of a pipeline that is necessary to make the landlocked Caspian Basin un-land-locked $10 trillion oil deal and about $3 trillion in natural gas, and we are now doing it in Iraq on a national basis.

In a little reported event, President Bush appointed Tom Foley of Connecticut as the Privatization Czar of Iraq and although most Americans have not followed that trail as I have, and our media has completely kept this quiet, our President is privatizing the Iraqi power, oil, gas, water and other national assets of Iraq straight into the hands of his wealthy elite campaign backers. It is – in a word – a despicable and systematic act of theft [grand larceny] from the Iraqis.

From the linked Tom Foley article announcing this appointment of a “Chief Thief” that is loyal to the Bush Lies:

“Thomas Foley, 51, who said he befriended Bush in 1974 when they both attended Harvard, will report directly to the top U.S. administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, the Greenwich Time reported.

Foley is chairman and founder of the NTC Group, a private equity investment company. He was chairman of Bush's Connecticut campaign finance committee in 2000, after raising more than $100,000 for his college friend. Foley plans to leave for Iraq early next week and stay in Baghdad for nine months. He was appointed to the post last week during a visit with the president in Washington. He will be in charge of 200 state-owned enterprises, including mining, chemical, cement and tobacco companies. Oil production and two state-owned banks are the only industries that will not be under his supervision, he said.” One has to dig deep into the Bush – Cheney web of lies to even begin to unravel what is really going on and shine the light of truth on their actions.

U.S. Selling Off Iraq-Owned Companies

by Charles J. Hanley, Associated Press October 17th, 2003

“BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S.-led occupation authority is taking initial steps toward selling off the first of Iraq's scores of state-owned companies to investors, but will stick to small enterprises until a sovereign Iraqi government takes over the job, the American privatization chief said Friday.

Thomas Foley said the privatizing of Iraq's government-dominated economy will begin with service companies”

Where the “direct route” did not work and was announced to be abandoned February 2, 2004, the Bush Administration then chose the “indirect route” of putting only a puppet government in charge that would do the same thing – sell Iraqi national assets to Bush Buddies dirt-cheap.

“With plans shelved to sell off some of Iraq’s state-owned businesses, the U.S. official in charge of private sector development there is now focused on wooing foreign investors to Iraq and creating jobs. Thomas Foley, director of private-sector development for the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, said the CPA had always intended for an Iraqi government to make decisions over the sell-off of state-owned enterprises. Any suggestions the CPA was trying to sell off Iraqi businesses to foreigners were erroneous, said Foley in an interview with Reuters.”

I see clear and distinct differences between “Terrorism” and “OUTRAGE”, and to test the waters on that one has to dig deep to even get close to the truth with Bush Cheney.

In Uzbekistan there was a reported “surge in terrorism” in that nation that left about 70 dead. What they did not report was that an “American – Israeli transaction” had been closed, thus cramming Israeli businesses down the throats of an Islamic nation and then there was what I believe was actually “a surge in outrage”. The transaction in question was called Shurtan II and the “touts” issued after the deal closed showed that ABN AMRO had arranged financing that included the Bank Hapaolim of Israel and IFTRIC (Israel Foreign Trade Risk Insurance Corp) and invited Israel to the profitable party.

From the Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw website:

“Shurtan II/Uzbekistan: Represented ABN-AMRO Bank, as arranger, in a project financing of the Shurtan II compressor station for Uzbekneftagaz, supported by Export-Import Bank of the United States and IFTRIC of Israel.”

So, the question remains – was it terrorism or was it outrage at the policies of this nation? I submit it is more outrage than terrorism. We cannot summarily wave the Royal Bush Wand and change the fundamental problems between Islam and Judaism, or those Zionist that have created harsh hatred for Israel by their own actions, not ours.

Dig deeper and we will probably learn that GE just sold another deal, and Halliburton and others with US Export – Import bank financing and Israel firms forced into the deal because we purport to be so much more honorable and wiser than those silly Islamic folks.

The law firm of Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw was directly involved in that transaction while Richard Ben Veniste was playing “Where’s Waldo?” on the 9-11 Commission. His law firm has an office in Uzbekistan that was shared with Enron, at least at one time.

Since the offshore SPE assets of Enron were never under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, and many of those SPEs that Andy Fastow excelled in were Cayman Islands domiciled entities, it is highly probable that the post bankruptcy Enron is still involved in the Caspian Basin deals. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the New Enron or Richard Ben Veniste to tell all on that matter.

The New Enron is now called Prisma Energy International and just happens to be a Cayman Islands based firm and all of the non-US assets were quietly transferred there as the bankruptcy came to a close. The “new management” of the New Enron just happens to be former Enron International and Halliburton people. Go figure. The “hired help” has stolen the firm from all of those now plundered employees and investors.

I make a motion that we send the folks in DC home in shame, and start over with some “less compromised” people that are not quite so greedy and covetous of what belongs to others. Do I hear a second?

George W. Bush says he gave the Iraqis “Iraqi Freedom”. So what, if what he is really doing is stealing the economic backbone of their nation and subjugating them as the 52nd U.S. State?

They are lying to us all America. Wake up and start making preparations to “change of the guard” in 2006 and 2008.

Over 50,000,000 Americans voted against Bush and those same people should be signatories on the petitions to bring criminal investigation and action against Bush, Cheney and many others. There are two petitions.

Karl W. B. Schwarz lives in Little Rock, AR and is the author of “One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, a Conservative Republican Speaks Out”. He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC and I-nets Security Systems, a designer of intelligence and UAV systems. You can email him here.

Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC

Karl W. B. Schwarz President, Chief Executive Officer

(501) 663-4959, US Central Time Zone, GMT -6 hrs
