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Open Letter to Minister of Justice - Paris, France

Dr. med. Mag. theol Ryke Geerd Hamer

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, who is scared of potential repercussions by the French legal system, does not dare to write it herself. I, for one, am not an anxious person, having survived so many attempts on my life. But if my lawyer makes such a statement, I will try to assess the general situation and to find out if this claim might be justified.

Let me summarize a few of the more peculiar facts:

1.) I am a German doctor, 70 years of age, and for more than one year now I have been detained in France’s worst concentration camp, a camp, I might add, designed in an ominous shape and whose director is named Katz.

2.) As can be seen in the attachments of the letter to President Jacob Chirac of September 25, 2005, Rabbi Claude Sabbah and his friends were ready to ”take over and rename“ German New Medicine® as early as in 1993.

3.) I seem to be the only prisoner in a building with 1000 inmates who is 70 years old, afflicted with spinal problems, and who must complete his ”entire sentence“ while the regular criminals who have to spend more than one year here usually get released at ”half-time“. Half-time for me would have been September 2, 2005. I most likely must assume that there are special things in store for me since I have not been released like the others, in spite of being the oldest and the only innocent prisoner in our building.

4.) On October 13, 2005 (refer to the protocol and the letter to President J. Chirac) a trial evaluating the possibility of a conditional release took place. The young assistant judge said to me: „Mr. Hamer, Director Katz does not hold you in particularly high regard. He suspects that you will continue working with the New Medicine once you are back in Spain. You are not allowed to do that. You must promise not to deal with the New Medicine any longer, not to write any books and to stop working with the publisher. Only then can you be released. This was Director Katz’s opinion, and in consent with the court.“ Truly the darkest days of the inquisition! What this means for me is that I am supposed to leave the entire German New Medicine, including copyrights and patents, to my enemies (Rabbi Claude Sabbah, Bronfman, Scientology, and the Zionists). They will not let me go otherwise.

5.) Judge Bessy at Chambéry admitted quite openly to my lawyer, Me Bremaud: Yes, of course, he invented the crime of ”fraud”, because it was the only possible means of getting me extradited from Spain. Well, he has admitted his own fraud! On October 27, 2005, when I reproached him with having said this to my lawyer (who stood a few feet away from him in court, nodding vehemently), Judge Bessy did not contradict (see newspaper clipping). In Germany the wrongful deprivation of liberty through the premeditated fraud of a judge is punishable with several years of imprisonment. – On September 12, 2004, Chirac, Zapatero and Schröder met (Shame on him who thinks ill of it?)

6.) On September 9, 2004 I was arrested in Spain and, based on judicial fraud, brought to Madrid on September 10, 2004.


Now, looking at all these indisputable facts and keeping in mind what my lawyer told me, that, if I didn’t renounce my beliefs (thus leaving German New Medicine® at the mercy of my enemies) I would have to take the possibility of my ”death” into account, in others words to renounce would be better than to die in prison, although, if I were killed in my cell (as obviously planned), then nobody can hold it against me that I ring all the bells and call a spade a spade before I am silently killed.

And nobody can call me racist when I act in pure self-defense, nor is it a case of paranoia in view of everything I had to endure. This could be more fittingly attributed to my lawyer.

For almost 25 years the findings of German New Medicine® – a scientifically reproducible system – have been suppressed with incredible brutality, either through character assassination or through dead silence. It has not even been given the option of an official verification, although it has been proven that 98% of patients could survive cancer, to give an example. Even my former (Jewish) lawyer Mendel admitted that there existed no organization that was able to suppress systematically and globally the truths and findings that were discovered, except for the Zionist movement with its Jewish grand lodge of B`nai B`rith. And exactly this is the reason for my imprisonment in France: I had to be locked away to give my enemies the time they needed to take over German New Medicine®.

This was the reason why I was supposed to sign a conditional release requiring me to not leave France for 7 years and to be the object of constant monitoring.

This was the reason why I remain the only „full-time” prisoner in a building housing 1000 inmates (remember: half my sentence was completed on September 2).

This was the reason why I should officially renounce German New Medicine® on October 13 (and leave it to my enemies). This can also be the only reason why my lawyer demanded that I renounce – because it was better than to die in prison. Esteemed Minister Clement, of course your in-justice may easily dispose of me. A ”justice system“ which resorts to committing premeditated fraud in order to ”catch me“ for certain circles, may easily go one step further and have me killed. But remember, as of today this letter will be accessible on the Internet in Germany and France. And therefore such a ”murder by justice“ remains no longer without its consequences, as one would have thought.

Moriturus te salutat oh imperator:

(One who faces certain death salutes you, emperor)


- Letter to President Jacob Chirac – with all other attachments

- Protocol of October 13, 2005