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Biotech Industry Pushes to Release "Suicide" Gene in Plants

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ross the globe are mobilizing to stop the legalization and commercialization of the controversial Terminator Gene Technology, whereby seeds are genetically engineered to commit suicide after one growing season. The biotech industry and seed companies support the Terminator Technology, because it prevents farmers from saving their seeds and forces them to buy seeds every year.

In addition, scientists are concerned that this could lead to killing off a wide range of crops and plants, as pollen from plants with the Terminator gene spreads unpredictably in the wind. After a massive international campaign in 1998, Monsanto Corporation announced they were shelving plans to commercialize the Terminator, while the United Nations (UN) called for a global ban. But on February 11, 2005 renewed efforts to overturn the worldwide ban were launched at a UN conference in Bangkok.

Learn more and sign the Organic Consumers Association's petition to the UN to terminate the Terminator Gene.

Please also forward this message to interested friends and colleagues. (source: Organic Consumers Association

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