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McDonald's criminal menu

Lucus Marques via SumOfUs

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Sept. 6, 2015

I worked at a McDonald’s in Brazil for a year and a half, and I was fired for speaking out.

I learned that McDonald’s is allegedly breaking laws, dodging taxes, and even withholding worker pay just to pad its bottom line.

After thousands of protests against the shady practices of the fast food corporation, workers, union leaders and politicians from around the world have travelled to Brazil to testify against the company -- and are finally making it answer for its actions.

The Brazilian Senate could finally expose abuse and force the company to comply with the law. With global attention on McDonald’s, let’s put more pressure on the company to finally clean up its act.

I've had enough of big corporations destroying our lives to make huge profits, so I started a petition using SumOfUs’ Community Petitions platform to demand that McDonald’s stop driving the global race to the bottom. Will you sign my petition?

Tell McDonald’s: Stop abusing public trust, withholding pay, and dodging taxes.

When I testified at the hearings last week, I shared my story about the shady side of McDonald’s that is all too real for many workers.

I was fired in July after raising complaints with my trade union over the company’s failure to pay overtime and the management’s demands that I shift heavy delivery boxes. My only fault was to stand up with dignity for my rights.

McDonald’s routinely underpays us, withholds pay and forces us to work in illegal and dangerous conditions.

I know SumOfUs has run successful campaigns against McDonald’s before. A few months ago, hundreds of thousands of SumOfUs members from all around the world stood up to McDonald's and forced the fast food giant to adopt a zero-deforestation policy. And it worked!

If we keep a global spotlight on McDonald’s now, we could force the company to finally clean up its act on workers’ rights.

Will you stand with me? Sign the petition right now and tell McDonald’s to stop abusing public trust around the world to make a quick profit.

The Brazilian government is about to launch a ground-breaking investigation against McDonald's for worker abuse. Workers from around the world have travelled to Brazil to testify against the fast food giant. 

Let's use this momentum to pressure McDonald's to clean up its act once and for all.

The race to the bottom stops today. Let’s use this Brazilian momentum to make sure McDonald’s is held accountable around the world. No person should be victim to McDonald’s unfair pay. No country should face blatant tax dodging and law breaking from one of the world’s biggest companies.

Thanks for all you do,

Lucas Marques, SumOfUS member and former Brazilian McDonald’s employee

More information:

McDonald’s discrimination lawsuit seeks to stop chain expanding in Brazil, The Guardian, 25 February, 2015

McDonald's to face global scrutiny at Brazilian senate's human rights hearing, The Guardian, 20 August, 2015

Union Takes a McDonald’s Challenge Overseas, The New York Times, 19 August, 2015

Brazilian unions file 2nd lawsuit against McDonald's operator, Reuters, 18 March, 2015