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Monsanto: You Can Run But You Can't Hide!

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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Jun 22, 2015

Dear Organic Consumer,

You’ve heard the news by now. 

Monsanto is trying to buy up fellow poison-maker Syngenta, in a scheme that involves relocating to London, and giving the merged company a brand new name.

Sorry, Monsanto. You can run. But you can’t hide!

Monsanto can't hide the fact that its flagship product, Roundup, causes cancer. Or the fact that the world doesn’t want Monsanto's toxic chemical-drenched, soil-depleting crops—or Syngenta’s atrazine, Agent Orange crops, or bee-killing neonics.

Please donate today to keep Monsanto on the run—until it runs out of steam. Your donation by midnight June 30, will be tripled, thanks to matching donations by and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. You can donate online, by phone or by mail, details here.

It’s taken us years. But the momentum against Monsanto and the rest of the Gene and Junk Food Giants is at an all-time high.

Thanks to the World Health Organization, we now have irrefutable scientific proof of what many scientists have been saying for decades—glyphosate, the key active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, causes cancer.

And thanks to you, and millions of conscious consumers, Big Food lost $4 billion in market share last year, while sales of local, organic, healthful, nutritious food soared.

You’ve got Monsanto on the run. But forcing Monsanto to set up camp in London, under a new name, isn’t enough. We need to run Monsanto out of business. And that’s going to take a long, strong, sustained campaign. 

We’re up for it. But we need your help.

Please donate today to keep Monsanto on the run—until it runs out of steam. Your donation by midnight June 30, will be tripled, thanks to matching donations by and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. You can donate online, by phone or by mail, details here

Over the next few months, OCA will continue to:

Test for glyphosate, neonicotinoids, atrazine, metachlor and other toxic chemical residues in humans, drinking water and foods, and will widely publicize the results of our testing, which we’ll use to pressure the EPA, FDA and USDA;

Mobilize a massive grassroots campaign against Rep. Mike Pompeo’s bill (H.R. 1599) to overturn and preempt state GMO labeling laws and state and local bans on GMO crops, prevent companies from voluntary labeling, further weaken GMO crop regulations and guarantee GMO foods are never subjected to long-term safety testing; 

Pressure food manufacturers and retailers on the issue of truth and transparency in labeling, including calling for boycotts of companies like Starbucks that support toxic factory farms by refusing to switch to organic; and

Research and fund organic, regenerative, scalable agriculture projects that have the potential to replaced our toxic, inhumane industrial factory farms.

Organize a mass rally and March Against Monsanto in Washington, DC on October 17, with Vandana Shiva as keynote speaker, preceded the day before (World Food Day) with a major press conference at the National Press Club.

It’s an ambitious agenda. But it’s also a life-or-death agenda.

It’s your agenda. And we’ll need your help.

Please donate today to keep Monsanto on the run—until it runs out of steam. Your donation by midnight June 30, will be tripled, thanks to matching donations by and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. You can donate online, by phone or by mail, details here

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

P.S. Donations made to the Organic Consumers Fund, our 501(c) 4 lobbying arm, are not tax-deductible. If you want to support our grassroots advocacy and education campaigns, you can make a tax-deductible donation to our 501(c)3 here.