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Did McDonald's just sign its own death warrant?


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Has Ronald McDonald just signed his own death warrant?

Just one day after WND broke the news that former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs – who claimed to be the one who put President Barack Obama’s birth certificate online – has been hired as McDonald’s top mouthpiece, the story unleashed a flood of more than 700 comments, mostly from Americans vowing to never eat at the restaurant chain again.

Calling Gibbs “highly respected” and “talented,” McDonald’s President and CEO Steve Easterbrook on Tuesday named the ex-Obama aide as executive vice president and global chief communications officer.

Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

Easterbrook said the addition of Gibbs brings “experience and outside perspective to McDonald’s as we build a more modern, progressive burger company.”

“Returning excitement to our business proposition and brand is foundational to our turnaround plan, and Robert … will play critical roles in bringing this strategy to life,” he added.

Concerned individuals may contact McDonald’s Corporation with comments.

Gibbs became a household face during the national controversy over Obama’s eligibility to be president, and said he personally was responsible for putting Obama’s birth certificate on the Internet.

Some reactions to the story include:

    Robert Gibbs betrayed each and every American citizen in the USA. Day after day he lied to the people, concealed the truth and covered for the evil ongoings that were destroying our nation! Working for a man who loathes the free market, freedom, and Capitalism. Now MacDonald’s hires him? Sorry, as for me and mine no more Ronald

    Did McD’s just sign their own death warrant or what?!

    Gee, boys and girls … see that – there are now two, count ‘em (2) clowns at Mickey D’s

    Bad enough that we can’t believe Obama. Now we will no longer be able to believe anything McDonald’s says … about anything … even their food.

    Hiring a bald-faced liar to be your top promo man makes one wonder who the dip is who’s running Micky Dees. This guy has the personality of a dried-out breakfast biscuit.

    Why didn’t McDonald’s hire Baghdad Bob? At least he was entertaining.

    Years ago, McDonald’s was the darling of the market. Now I expect it will go bankrupt.

    Won’t go near McDonald’s again. Sorry, you are judged by your choices.

    Newest question at McDonald’s: “You want lies with that?”

    Boycott McDonald’s. Show them how much we love Obama and his propaganda ministers.

    I guess they found the right replacement for Ronald McDonald.

    Wow, what a versatile idiot!

    I could see Gibbs portraying Ronald McDonald, but exec VP and global communications officer? It’s easy to see why McDonald’s is failing. The CEO, Easterbrook, is obviously a complete moron.

    Another reason why McDonald’s is in the tank and won’t recover.

    Easy transition for Gibbs. He knows all about working for a clown.

    Maybe you can get a birth certificate in every Happy Meal?

Some of McDonald’s menu offerings

“Thank you for bringing this article to the world,” wrote reader Lincoln Griffith in a letter to WND. “I saw it yesterday and became so upset that I called a McDonald’s representative at the corporate office and I blasted her.”

Griffith added, “She didn’t even know who Robert Gibbs was. They must have just promoted her from flipping burgers. McDonald’s wants to improve their bottom line so they hire this paid Obama liar! I told her that McDonald’s has really shot themselves in the foot.”

What do YOU think? Will you go to McDonald’s with Robert Gibbs as spokesman? Sound off in WND’s poll

McDonald’s Corporation and Gibbs have not responded to WND’s phone calls and emails requesting comment on the public reaction.

The news comes on the heels of reports that McDonald’s sales have been suffering, falling 2.2 percent in the U.S. in May. Analysts had expected a smaller 1.7 percent drop. Researcher Consensus Metrix reported the chain’s global sales fell .3 percent in May, the 12th straight month of declines. The restaurant has been trying to lure customers back with several new changes, including the addition of salads and breakfast bowls containing kale.

As WND reported, in March 2012, an investigative “Cold Case Posse” launched by “America’s toughest sheriff” – Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County – concluded there is probable cause the document released by the White House in 2011 as Obama’s birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery.

As Obama’s press secretary in 2009, Gibbs refused to confirm that a letter posted by the Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu – purportedly from President Obama claiming the facility as his birthplace – is, in fact, real.

During a news conference, Gibbs said, without responding directly to WND’s question about the veracity of the letter, “Goodness gracious. I’m going to be, like, in Year Four describing where it is the president was born. I don’t have the letter at my fingertips, obviously, and I don’t know the name of the exact hospital.”

When WND’s Les Kinsolving asked when Gibbs could check, he responded:

“I will seek to interview whoever brought the president into this world. But can we just – I want to do this once and for all, Lester. Let’s just do this once and for all. You can go on this – I hope you’ll take the time not just to Google ‘President, January 24, Hawaii hospital, birth’ and come up with this letter, but go on the Internet and get the birth certificate.”

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