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March 16, 2015

Four out of five fast food workers have been BURNED—most repeatedly—for one simple reason: Fast food companies care way more about their profits than the basic safety of their workers. It’s outrageous and unbelievable. See for yourself. Watch the exposé the fast food industry doesn’t want you to see:



"Just put some mustard on it -- that will take the burning out of it."


That's the SHOCKING directive made to McDonald's worker "C.B." by her manager after she burned her arm with boiling hot grease.  


But this crazy treatment isn't the only problem. Four out of five fast food workers have been burned -- most repeatedly, many badly -- for one simple reason: Fast food companies care way more about their profits than the basic safety of their workers.


See for yourself. ​Watch the startling video McDonald's and the rest of the fast food industry don't want you to see.


Watch the video right now, then share it far and wide. Help hold McDonald's and the rest of the fast food industry accountable for their horrific lack of concern for the health of their employees.   ​

Watch now.


-- Fight for $15