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EXCLUSIVE: Just Label It organization a GMO greenwashing corporate front group , say industry insiders

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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March 6, 2015

NaturalNews) The Just Label It organization is actively seeking to block GMO labeling legislation because its key board members and operatives have been corrupted by the very same mega food corporations that oppose GMO labeling, high-level industry sources told Natural News.

This Natural News investigation has obtained on-the-record quotes from no less than five credible sources in the industry, all of whom accuse Gary Hirshberg of Stonyfield Farm and Scott Faber of Just Label It of betraying the GMO labeling movement and secretly pushing a covert agenda to sabotage state-level labeling efforts.

All five sources demanded anonymity, citing their fear that punitive action would be taken against them within the industry if their names were attached to this story. "When this comes out it will start a Civil War in the labeling movement," one source told Natural News. "There are those of us who believe that GMO labeling will never be achieved, at any level, as long as Gary Hirshberg and Scott Faber are siphoning money away from committed labeling campaigns and sabotaging real GMO labeling at the state level."


Gary Hirshberg's Stonyfield Farm is largely owned by the Dannon yogurt corporation, which strongly opposes GMO labeling

At the heart of the accusations against Gary Hirshberg and Just Label It is the apparent conflict of interest stemming from the fact that Stonyfield Farm is 85% owned by Danone, a $29 billion company that provided funding to defeat GMO labeling efforts at the state level.

At the outset, it seems extraordinary that a chairperson of the Just Label It organization could be someone with such strong financial ties to a powerful corporate opponent of GMO labeling. "The real problem with Hirshberg is his longtime partner in Stonyfield is Danone," a confirmed source told Natural News. "[Danone] had $29.3 Billion in sales in 2013, is a toxic pesticide / yogurt and junk food international conglomerate, with an agenda in the U.S. to block GMO labeling."

Other sources told Natural News that Gary Hirshberg had deliberately hijacked the Just Label It campaign. "Gary Hirshberg is attempting to turn a grassroots civil rights movement into a corporate controlled, special interest orgy [in cooperation] with other corporate organic bosses that are controlled mouthpieces of multinational junk food companies."

"In an effort to protect his massive corporate fortune, Hirshberg set up his own GMO non-profit Just Label It, only allowing corporate organic and other sellouts to be on the board," says an Organic Spies document acquired by Natural News (download link below).