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Oct. 15, 2014

Vatic Note: Good for us, I hope they are falling apart.  So, the question is "Why is Monsanto doing this to themselves"?  I believe they were arrogant enough to believe the farmers would not notice and not say a word, thus allowing them to circumvent the rights of the farmer for Monsanto's need to farm test their various products, thereby damaging the farmer.   They got away with it in third world countries, so they may have assumed they could do so here as well.

Once you ask yourselves "Who owns Monsanto"?  You begin to realize what this is"REALLY" all about.   Bill Gates owns Monsanto AND The private Security firm called "Black Water" Mercenaries.  I think their name is now XE.  Bill Gates is both a multibillionaire, and, I believe, a khazar and his father was the founder of Planned Parenthood, which on the surface appears to be a good thing, but in reality is just another form of birth control and depopulation. 


But more importantly Bill Gates is an avowed depopulation advocate and uses his foundation begun at the behest of his wife,  to set up a sterilization program through the use of vaccines unbeknownst to the recipients of the vaccine.  The rest have been tracked and India is in the process of investigating his practices in lying to the people of India, while using vaccines to sterilize and create great harm to their population.


In some cases the Gardesil vaccine has even caused death among young women for whom it is touted to protect against cancer of the cervix, when in actuality it literally either kills the recipient or sterilzes them.   Remember, it was Kissinger, back in 1972 or 74 that wrote a paper on depopulating the poor blacks of Africa.... and it appears Bill Gates was a fan.


All the billionaires got together with sympathic scientists and decide to depopulate the planet per the Georgia Guidestones paid for by the Luciferian society.    Is Bill Gates a Satanist?  Is his wife also one, who is never mentioned, yet a full fledged partner in the foundation doing the dastardly deed??  We will get into the Gates later on down the road.


But suffice it to say,  this is about a lot more than testing Monsantos's Zombie Wheat.   Its about affecting the natural crops, the soil, the water and anything that results in food that will enter our bodies and do harm.  Its in court and if the courts are not all gone, then we may well have a damn good chance at overcoming these billionaire khazars. 


Monsanto's 'zombie wheat' case reveals serious legal vulnerabilities in business model

by  L.J. Devon, Staff Writer, October 6, 2014