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Gardeners Beware

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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June 28 2014

Dis-Honest Tea in Hot Water?

It isn't the first time we've urged consumers to boycott Honest Tea. And it won't be the last.

Honest Tea is owned by Coca-Cola. And Coca-Cola spent $3.2 million to defeat GMO labeling laws in California and Washington State, some of that money illegally laundered through the Grocery Manufacturers Association (that anti-consumer group that has spent millions defeating GMO labeling laws, that has a bill in Congress to preempt state labeling laws, and has filed suit against Vermont to overturn the state's recently passed labeling law).

Consumers just aren't buying the Honest Tea company slogan: "Refreshingly HONEST®".

Now it looks as if Honest Tea could have the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) questioning its honesty, too. Did President & CEO Seth Goldman intentionally mislead a Washington Post reporter when he said that Coca-Cola would not directly contribute to the NO on I-522 campaign to label GMOs in Washington State?

If so, he's in violation of SEC rules prohibiting executives of public companies from making false public statements. If not, he was duped by his bosses at parent company Coca-Cola.

Here's the thing. Consumers are tired of being lied to. Tired of dishonest, deceptive ad slogans and campaigns. Tired of companies that say their products' ingredients are "perfectly safe"—but then turn around and demand Congress pass laws that allow them to keep those ingredients secret.

And we're tired of paying a premium for organic products, only to have our money turned over to the likes of the GMA—a trade group whose number one priority is fighting truth and transparency in labeling.

So we're doing something about it.

Read the article

TAKE ACTION: Tell CEO Seth Goldman why you're boycotting Honest Tea

TAKE ACTION: Pledge to Boycott the 300-Plus Members of the GMA, Including the Traitor Brands!

More on the boycott


Weed Wars

No, not that weed.

We're talking about the war between farmers and superweeds. A war that the superweeds are clearly winning.

So what do the Gene Giants propose for beating back the weeds?

Bigger, better herbicides. A strategy that scientists say will only create bigger and better superweeds.

Still, our U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), instead of calling a halt to a dangerous and vicious cycle, is on the verge of approving yet another deadly herbicide. Unless we stop them.

The pesticide-peddlers at Dow AgroSciences want the EPA to approve something they call Enlist Duo. We call it the Deadly Duo, because it uses a combination of 2,4-D, one of the toxic ingredients in Agent Orange, and Roundup, whose key active ingredient, glyphosate, is linked to a host of ills, including birth defects, infertility, allergies and cancer.

Why are the biotech companies now turning to Agent Orange chemicals to fight weeds? Because Monsanto's Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world, is no longer working.

That's not mere speculation. Just this month, Texas cotton growers sent an "emergency" request to the EPA for permission to use propazine (a known carcinogen that the EPA refers to as "slightly poisonous) on their crops. Why the big emergency? Because Monsanto's Roundup doesn't work anymore and, surprise, their crops are being overrun by superweeds.

And round and round we go.

TAKE ACTION: DEADLINE JUNE 30: Tell the EPA, Don't let Dow poison our food with its "Deadly Duo" of Agent Orange and Roundup herbicides.



No More NOSB?

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is at it again, chipping away at the integrity of organic standards. This time, it looks as if he may be setting the stage to get rid of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB).

Twenty organizations, including Beyond Pesticides, the OCA and Cornucopia Institute, are trying to stop him. They've filed a legal petition asking that Vilsack reverse changes made May 8, 2014, by the USDA, to the NOSB charter—changes that undermine the authority of the NOSB and suggest that the USDA may dismantle it altogether.

The NOSB was created by Congress, under the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA), and enacted under Title 21 of the 1990 Farm Bill. The 15-member advisory panel is made up of independent farmers, environmentalists, consumer/public interest advocates, food handlers, one retailer and one scientist. The board meets twice a year to vote on recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture (that would be Vilsack) regarding the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP), also authorized under the OFPA.

But apparently, Vilsack thinks he doesn't need any advice. So little by little, he's undermining the NOSB's authority.

Last month, the OCA disrupted the bi-annual NOSB meeting to protest another recent change made by the USDA, a change that makes it more difficult to get synthetics off the list of materials allowed in organic.

It's all part of a power grab that threatens organics. And it's just plain illegal.

More here

Read the legal petition


Over the Top

“Senseless mandate.”

That’s what the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) called the Vermont GMO labeling law, in a statement issued right after the billion-dollar lobbying group sued to overturn the will of Vermont citizens and their lawmakers.

That sounds a little over the top.

Just like everything else the GMA has done to preempt and overturn state GMO labeling laws. Like spending millions to defeat citizen ballot initiatives in California and Vermont. And millions more lobbying federal lawmakers until they sponsor a bill to prevent states from ever passing GMO labeling laws.

And breaking the law in Washington State, to launder donations from Big Food.

The GMA’s president, Pamela Bailey, is paid more than $2 million a year to make statements like that. All in an attempt to prevent you, the consumer, from knowing what unhealthful, barely food-like ingredients Big Food is hiding in the products they push via their multi-million dollar advertising campaigns.

Speaking of over the top . . . we’re still about $22,000 from our fundraising goal. Money we need to defend Vermont’s GMO labeling law, and pass a citizens’ initiative in Oregon in November. Can you help?

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and public education)

Donate to the Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our legislative efforts in Oregon, Vermont and other states)