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COKE -- The Hall of Shame

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Nov. 24, 2013

Mirror, Mirror . . . Who’s the Worst of All?

As usual, competition for the worst corporation of 2013 is stiff. The list of criminals and their corporate crimes is as long as it is impressive.

It’s tough to single out the worst of the worst. But this year, we’re asking you to vote for Coca-Cola.

Coke poured $1.455 million into the campaign that ultimately defeated, by 51 percent - 49 percent, the Washington State ballot initiative to label GMOs. The junk food giant hoped you wouldn’t find out about that, which is why it tried­and failed­to secretly funnel the money through the Grocery Manufacturers Association.

Then, of course, there’s the matter of trying to dupe consumers into believing that not only is aspartame, a key ingredient in Diet Coke, safe, but it’s actually good for you. Coke is taking out full-page ads to promote its lies­a fact we wrote about earlier this year.

For these reasons, and the fact that Coca-Cola intentionally formulates its products with dangerous, addictive chemicals, we ask you to please vote Coca-Cola into the Corporate Hall of Shame.

TAKE ACTION: Elect Coca-Cola to the Corporate Hall of Shame

TAKE ACTION: Tell Coke: Stop Running Ads Claiming that Diet Coke and Aspartame are Healthy


More information on aspartame on,,,