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European sellouts reject study linking GM corn to cancer; ignore cold, hard facts to protect biotech industry

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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Dec. 10, 2012

(NaturalNews) The next time somebody tries to tell you that "science" is the reason why genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are approved for use in many countries around the world, you can point them to the latest unscientific decision made by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which has openly rejected a landmark GMO study showing that GM corn consumption can lead to the development of cancerous tumors.

As predicted, the EFSA, which is basically the European version of the corrupt U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), announced recently that the infamous GM corn study out of France "cannot be regarded as scientifically sound" because of alleged "inadequacies in its design, reporting and analysis." Case closed, if you will.

With the stroke of a pen, in other words, this corporate-influenced bureaucracy basically discarded one of the only independent, long-term studies to have ever been conducted on the safety of a GMO, and one that just so happened to show incredible health dangers associated with its consumption. As a result, millions of Europeans will now likely be exposed to this deadly "Frankenfood" whether they like it or not.

In case you missed it, researchers from the University of Caen discovered back in September that rats fed Monsanto's Roundup-Ready, NK603 GM corn, which is already widely cultivated in the U.S., for several months developed severe organ damage and behemoth cancer tumors -- and most of them died prematurely compared to rats not fed the GMO. (


Corporate hegemony once again trumps sound science

Following the study's publishing in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, Russia immediately banned all imports of GM corn (, and many other European nations had planned to follow suit. But the Monsanto lobby apparently took swift action behind the scenes to make sure this never happened, as the EFSA basically declared the study to be null and void for the benefit of Monsanto.

Not surprisingly, the mainstream media also quickly jumped on the anti-science bandwagon following the EFSA announcement, with many sources now parroting calls from a cohort of phantom "scientists" to have Food and Chemical Toxicology officially retract the study. This is the same mafia-style approach, of course, that was used against Dr. Andrew Wakefield to have his study forcibly retracted from the journal Lancet back in 2010. (

So once again, corporate interests are taking precedent over public health, except this time the point of contention is GMOs rather than vaccines. There is no way Monsanto was ever going to allow the "Seralini Study" to sway official government policy concerning GMOs, so the biotech giant quickly swooped in and convinced the EFSA to declare the study a fraud.

But you and I know the truth, and it is our job to spread it far and wide so that this important study does not end up buried under the lies and deception currently being propagated against it in conjunction with the EFSA announcement. Monsanto has already proven that its only defense against the study's findings is outright lies that are easily debunked (, which means the truth speaks for itself, as long as we are willing to tell it.

The real food advocacy group GMWatch recently posted a very informative piece entitled The covert war to discredit Seralini's study that explains how Monsanto is embedding fake "academics" and "scientists" into the debate whose only purpose is to "discredit" the study through lies and deception. You can read that piece here:

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