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Monsanto to receive huge government bailout from European Union

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Dec.4m 2012

(NaturalNews) After unloading tens of millions of dollars to defeat the historic California Proposition 37 to label genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), biotechnology abomination Monsanto is now set to receive a multi-million dollar bailout from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), a London-based financial group connected to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to cover a slew of financial losses incurred by the evil corporation throughout Europe.

This shocking news comes to us via Next News Network in Boston and our own featured talk show host and health advocate Robert Scott Bell, who was recently interviewed on the network's WHDT World News Program. Because of incredible public backlash against GMOs throughout Europe, many farmers and food conglomerates there have apparently been unable to honor their contractual agreements with Monsanto, which has prompted the central bank overlords at EBRD to step in and use U.S. taxpayer dollars to pay the corporate giant directly for these failed contracts.

The whole charade is a nauseating replay of the so-called "too big to fail" financial bailouts of 2008, which were initiated following the subprime mortgage collapse that helped trigger the largest economic fallout in the U.S. in nearly 100 years. Just like what happened with the big banks responsible for causing the housing crisis that led to the economic collapse, Monsanto, whose very existence relies on the public not knowing that its products are secretly added to food, is being bailed out by taxpayers, the vast majority of which disapprove of the unlabeled presence of GMOs in the food supply.

"Monsanto clearly occupies a favored position," explained reporter Gary Franchi from WHDT World News in Boston during a recent segment on Monsanto, GMOs, Prop. 37, and the E.U. bailout situation. "[Monsanto] can spend roughly $40 million to defeat a GMO ban in California, then receive the same amount in U.S. taxpayer-funded European bailout money to offset the cost of GMO bans overseas."

You can watch the full 18:29 minute segment here:


Monsanto would fail if it wasn't for government-sanctioned secrecy and 'too big to fail' bailouts

What is most disturbing about this recent development; however, is not necessarily the fact that Monsanto has clearly garnered for itself a cozy position in the "too big to fail" category of multinational corporations, but rather that Monsanto's very existence is predicated on both secrecy and forced subsidization using money stolen from people that do not even support GMOs. As far as Europe is concerned, the vast majority of the public openly opposes GMOs, and yet taxpayer funds are being used to prop up Monsanto's business ventures there.

Since the EBRD is directly connected to the privately-owned and operated Federal Reserve, it is hardly surprising that American money is also being funneled overseas to preserve Monsanto's immense foothold in the industrial agriculture industry. Even though more than 90 percent of the American public disapproves of unlabeled GMOs, which is Monsanto's only U.S. business model, American taxpayers are being extorted to keep the company afloat.

What this proves, of course, is not that Monsanto is too big too fail, but rather that it is too big to survive, as well as too evil to survive in a fully-transparent, honestly-labeled business paradigm. The only way Monsanto is able to continue generating billions of dollars in profits, in other words, is through endlessly spreading lies, manipulating scientific studies, and operating within a paradigm of secrecy, where the public is uninformed about the presence of Monsanto's genetic abominations throughout the food supply.

"The people that find out that their food is genetically modified ... decide not to purchase that food," explained Bell about the issue during his interview. "The very awareness of [Monsanto's] products in the food (supply) would dissuade people from buying it. [Monsanto] clearly knows that [it's] got to stop this awareness campaign that many of the people of California were fighting very hard for."

You can watch the complete segment with Robert Scott Bell by visiting:

It is up to the people to put a stop to the madness

With an endless bankroll sustained by phony fiat currencies, the EBRD, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the rest of the global banking cartel will only continue to prop up its own like Monsanto at the expense of market transparency and public health. And the only way to stop them is for the people to band together and topple the ruling class, both Democrat and Republican, which continues to propagate this phony system of bailing out corrupt corporations with "monopoly" fiat currency.

To learn more about how to beat this rigged system, visit:

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