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'Al baby' Gore threatened with arrest

Bob Unruh - WND

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Oct. 22, 2012

Is making global-warming claims unsupported by science a crime?

Lord Christopher Monckton, a WND columnist who describes himself as the “high priest of climate skepticism,” says there will be an investigation, and a conviction, if “Al baby” Gore said anything during a weekend visit to a “green” conference in Gibraltar that could be construed as advocating for the financial interests of his company, Generations Investment Management.

While the company remains largely out of the public view, its interests apparently lie in the financial benefits that could emerge should global warming regulations be imposed and so-called “carbon credits” become an issue.

Carbon credits essentially are suggested by environmentalists to be amounts of carbon emissions that would be allowed for various activities, such as manufacturing. They could be purchased and sold.

Monckton, who repeatedly has challenged Gore to debate the merits of the global warming arguments Gore espoused in his documentary film “An Inconvenient Truth,” was discussing the issue with Mark Gillar on BlogTalkRadio,

Monckton said, “Al baby, if you’re listening to this, I’m still here. I’m still willing to debate, but you’re not.

“However, you are making the very grave mistake of going to Gibraltar, Gibraltar being a territory where British rule still prevails, and the British system of justice still prevails.”

Learn in the “Resisting the Green Dragon” DVD set how environmentalism is becoming a new religion, how it devastates the poor, threatens the sanctity of life and is targeting youth.

Monckton continued, “If you say anything in Gibraltar which has any bearing on the fortunes of Generations Investment Management, if you say anything that is incorrect about global warming, and that’s how Generations Investment Management is making a lot of its money, then you are guilty of an offense under the Financial Services Act of 1988, and you will be arrested, prosecuted and convicted.”

Monckton said Gore’s “bull—” is illegal under that legislation in the United Kingdom and its territories, and, “If you come to any British territory and you talk the rubbish you’ve been talking elsewhere, then you will be arrested and prosecuted.”

The conference was over the weekend, but Monckton said it would not matter if Gore already had left the conference.

A formal complaint, he said, would produce a formal investigation of the company, which has offices in the U.K. and therefore would be subject to the various disciplinary actions that could be forthcoming.

“Even if he gets out of Gibraltar, nevertheless, a financial services inquiry will then take place.”

Monckton noted that the U.K. already dealt with Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” by requiring that some 80 pages of “corrections” be distributed whenever the film is viewed in a British school.

The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom also reported just days ago that the basis for claims that global warming should be considered a threat vanished 16 years ago.

The report said the data was gathered from more than 3,000 points on land and sea, and was released without fanfare. The report said from the start of 1997 until August 2012, “there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures.”

It said from 1980 to 1996 temperatures rose, but for the previous 40 years, temperatures had been stable or declining.

Gore is with the Alliance for Climate Protection as well as Generation Investment Management.

The Gibraltar Chronicle said Gore’s appearance was at the Thinking Green Conference. The report said Gore explained he believes there is a link between “climate crisis” and “extreme weather.”

“The climate crisis is the most prominent symbol of the difference in relationship between humanity and earth,” the report quoted him saying.

Listen to the interview: (Monckton’s comments about Gore come starting about 33:00.)