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Corporatism is Killing America

Rob Kall

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Aug. 19, 2012

Corporatism is waging war on the middle class, on the American dream and on most Americans. There is a massive difference between mega-corporations and small businesses. The big ones and their obscenely wealthy CEOs, owners and top execs are waging an all out war on the middle class. They are pushing for laws, legislation, regulations and de-regulations that will kill people. KILL PEOPLE.


There's a reason college costs are going through the roof and Students are going into massive debt... education is facing the same enemy that the middle class faces.  That's the message Debra Leigh Scott offers in her article,  How The American University was Killed, in Five Easy Steps.  Scott offers a new perspective on one more way that corporatism is waging war on the middle class, on the American dream and on most Americans. 

There is a massive difference between mega-corporations and small businesses. The big ones and their obscenely wealthy CEOs, owners and top execs are waging an all out war on the middle class. They are pushing for laws, legislation, regulations and de-regulations that will kill people. KILL PEOPLE.


photo by rob kall
They have already killed people. They have already put millions of people, millions of family into havoc, chaos, misery and ruin. 
They are our enemies. The people who advocate for them are our enemies. To be sure, not all corporate heads are evil or our enemies. But most of them are. 
We need to take serious action to rescue ourselves. We can't expect some wealthy people to come swooping in to save us. We can't expect the mainstream media, which are in thrall to the corporatist enemy to help us. 
We have to do it. We have to lift ourselves up and wake our neighbors up and start showing the traitors who are in congress and the White House and the Supreme Court and the Justice Department -- and their masters in big corporations-- that we know who they are, and their days are numbered. 
We have to identify targets and we have to start going after those targets using non-violent means to neutralize them. 
We have to start aiming very high, coming up with legislative goals that may seem impossible but that move us in the right direction-- eliminating the power of the  ultra-wealthy, taking all money out of politics, making voting maximally accessible. We have to re-evaluate what is important in this nation-- import options for a few hundred transnational corporations which want global trade deals that favor them-- or tariff protections for industries that employ millions of US workers. 
We have to decide whether we're going to continue to tolerate the exploding gulf in wage inequality. 
We have to face the hard reality that Democrats are not going to, are unable and unwilling to do what is necessary to make the changes-- that electoral politics, in its current two party system, is unable to make the changes. 
We have to make them using other means. 
The Occupy Wall Street movement is alive and well and it is one very viable approach that I encourage you to consider getting involved with. Occupy did not fade away. It just metamorphosized beyond the encampments. 
Or start something in your community. Find local activists. Become the fresh blood they need. Take time to recruit friends who are politically inactive. Get your church, synagogue or mosque involved. 
We are under attack, The enemy is every bit as evil and dangerous and powerful as the terminators in the Terminator movie series. They are soul-less inanimate monsters that have a history of destroying the world as humankind and the rest of the biosphere need it.  it is time we face the reality that the politicians-- almost all of them-- are part of the problem. 
Julian Assange said, today, in a speech at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, " There is unity in the oppression. There must be absolute unity and determination in the response."
There are other ways. Don't look to me to tell you what they are. Find them. Start to talk to others about them. The first step is waking up-- ourselves, then our fellow neighbors who are also victims of the oppressors. 

Submitters Bio:

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and website architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), and publisher of, President of Futurehealth, Inc, and an inventor . He is also published regularly on the

Mediate ranks Rob Kall among the top 150 print/online columnists, often ahead of NY Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post columnists.

With his experience as architect and founder of a technorati top 100 blog, he is also a new media / social media consultant and trainer for corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs and authors.

Rob is a frequent Speaker on the bottom up revolution, politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's journey and Positive Psychology. He is a campaign consultant specializing in tapping the power of stories for issue positioning, stump speeches and debates, and optimizing tapping the power of new media. Watch me speaking on Bottom up economics at the Occupy G8 Economic Summit, here.

 See more Rob Kall articles here and, older ones, here.

To learn more about Rob and, check out 

A Voice For Truth - ROB KALL | OM Times Magazine and this article.

And Rob's quotes are here.

To watch me on youtube, having a lively conversation with John Conyers, former Chair of the House Judiciary committee, click here Now, wouldn't you like to see me on the political news shows, representing progressives. If so, tell your favorite shows to bring me on and refer them to this youtube video. 

Rob's radio show, The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, runs 9-10 PM EST Wednesday evenings, on AM 1360, WNJC and is archived at Or listen to it streaming, live at

Rob also hosted a health/mind/body/heart/spirit radio show-- the Rob Kall Futurehealth radio show. Check out podcasts from it at

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-My articles express my personal opinion, not the opinion of this website.

Recent press coverage in the Wall Street Journal: Party's Left Pushes for a Seat at the Table