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Vatican posts $19 million deficit, worst in years

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July 13, 2012

Read Here:
CAFR SCHOOL: How Corporations Are Funded By Taxpayers:
I’ve written extensively on the trillions in government investments that are covered up in the same way and completely ignored on the budget report while being reported on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

The Vatican is no different. In fact, it is the extreme example of the government (nation state) hoarding of wealth that would benefit the people of the world.

Think about it for a moment…

Just one of the thousands upon thousands of artifacts, paintings, sculptures, precious metal coins and treasures, and every other trinket and parchment of knowledge that the Vatican holds within its bowels – just the value of one of those literally priceless artifacts could feed the entire world, let alone cover a 16 million euro deficit in the selectively presented budget report of the Vatican politicians.

And so, I’ve come up with a few propaganda slogans that I think might help the Pope, the Black Pope, and his financial officers continue to fool the useful idiots that keep donating to this massive for profit country called the Vatican…

“We can’t sell our assets. They are priceless.

There is not enough money in the world to buy just one.

Therefore, we are declaring bankruptcy.”

“The Saints organized a union, and they are demanding health benefits. Please give.”

“Where in God’s name did I put my savings account?”

“I’m sorry, but God just called. He says we’re broke.

I could go on… and on and on and on… but you get the point. The organization of corporate religion is not a Christian one. And the Vatican is a corporate camel with no chance of fitting through even the largest gauge needle.

In the end, if you understand what has been written here, then you understand the entirety of the government investment scheme. And you understand that the people of America are wealthy beyond imagination, but that wealth is being hidden in plain sight while government creates welfare programs to sustain the poverty level while collecting even more taxes from the poor – never fixing the very problem of poverty because that is the only thing that will create wealthy men and corporations.

Welcome to America… a potential heaven on earth, kept in purgatory by government obfuscation and hoarding of its actual wealth.

–Clint Richardson

–Friday, July 13, 2012