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What Happened to our Economy

Graeme Whitmeyer

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Created 3/1/12 by Graeme Daryl Whitmeyer:


To understand what happened to our economy, we must first define what, indeed, OUR economy WAS as compared to what our economy IS today.  Many of us may ask ourselves who the perpetrators are whom have allowed this difference (or rather indifference) to occur, and I am sure you will find the answer to be quite appalling, to say the least.  It is just that it has been US who have allowed this grotesque and radical change between our original policy and layout for what was to be our procedural and MORAL obligation, within our economic standards, to maintain BALANCE and GROWTH of our economy, as opposed to its now dwindling and quite degrading “flaping in the wind”-TRASHED standards and policies, set in place by the VERY EVIL which WE have VOTED IN or stood by and ALLOWED!

Let us define economy from our Merriam-Webster’s dictionary: 1. The management of household or private affairs and especially expenses 2. a: thrifty and efficient use of material resources : frugality in expenditures; also : an instance or a means of economizing : saving b:

efficient and concise use of non material resources (as effort,language, or motion) 3. a: the arrangement or mode of operation of something : organization b: a system especially of interaction and exchange <an economy of information> 4. : the structure or conditions of economic life in a country, area, or period; also : an economic system.  So you see, what most would use and refer to as “our economy”

has a much broader range of influence on our lives than we have been led to believe through our close-minded and corrupt media outlets, schools, and institutions in general, as they have mostly LEFT OUT our personal interests within OUR HOMES and obligations TOWARD SELF and OTHERS we meet to share and tolerate acceptable interactions and guidelines.  What do our commercials guide us to think and do?  Is it “frugality in expeditures”?  Is it “efficient and concise use”?  Ah, so -- AND how many poor souls have been directly exposed to this form of imposed and conditioned insatiable malcontent and thirsting for expensive “designer” products, poisons (usually meant for

“leisure-time” use and projected “responsible” behavior, “fast-food” (oh my!), and bigger, better, stronger things, which many of us simply DO NOT NEED, from childhood on into the years of adolescence and straight into adulthood, beyond and in between, and here and there, at the stores and T.V.s, on adds at restaurants, waiting rooms, SCHOOLS, and… and… and… ad naseum!  Do you SEE now that it has been this very NON-FRUGALITY and NON-EFFICIENCY which has dragged our economy into its downward spiral of excess and waste it has become?  So be it, for I leave you many clues as to the “hows”, but whether YOU will listen and MAKE THE CHANGE necessary to adjust and reform is ENTIRELY UP TO SELF.  YOU will choose to KNOW THE TRUTH or YOU will be part of the problem, and woe unto you who understand and ACT not, for it would be YOUR families and children who suffer because of YOUR inaction to STAND UP FOR JUSTICE and REFORM.

        Now, what did our economy USED TO be?  As created and outlined, in great detail and specifics, leaving absolutely NO room for error, from our original Constitution and Bill of Rights, our forefathers “layed down” an ABSOLUTE standard by which to “go on”, that WE have all but trampled beneath our feet by ALLOWING its quite blatant and ill-conceived stomping-upon from whom we perceive as OTHERS in our “leadership” positions of Congress and government departments.  In which it states in Article IV, section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every Sate in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (When the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.  Now, question #1. What form of government do we have?  #2. Who has invaded?  -- and #3. Who is responsible for standing against the trespasses HERE IN THE U.S. of A.?!

        Answer #1. Many are fooled into thinking that we, as a nation, are what’s termed as a Democratic form of Government, but IT IS NOT

SO!  We are a REPUBLIC and we are entitled to protection against ANY OTHER FORM of government.  If you look closely at the different labels given to forms of government, such as Communism, Dictatorships, Hierarchies, Democracies, Socialism, etc., you may well find that the form of government WE have is NONE OF THESE, although parts of it could be labeled as  many of those, if viewed in the light of different perception.  What “fits the bill”, quite as “perfectly”, or“completely”, is what is termed a PLUTOCRACY!  -- In which, it is the RICH and the ONES WITH THE MONEY whom make the decisions, policies, and laws to fit THERE SELFISH DESIGNS and not those of its “broke” people, whom, by the way, DO ALMOST ALL OF THE WORK for these ones “in charge”, at the expense, of course, of themselves and their health, AND for extremely low wages or benefits as suits the extremely greedy and power-hungry oppressors of the “WEALTHY”.

        #2. We have not been invaded?  Oh, I suggest you misinformed public guess again, for we have been invaded, and we have been invaded by the WORST kind of foreign power which currently exists here, or has ever existed here, on this planet!  Just look around practically EVERYWHERE and you will see of their presence and influence set up, and, in fact, well-rooted within almost ALL facets of our institutions, systems, and homes!  What think ye when picking up your giant stack of papers you claim to be legal tax documents and organizing and filling out the COMPLETELY ILLEGAL AND FOREIGN papers of deceit?  Oh, yes, most of ye ones had better be in the recognizing of WHERE all that money goes and of WHOM is in the extracting of it, for it is most certainly NOT anything legal according to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They are most certainly NOT legal in there procedures of extraction.  Let us quote from Veritas Issue

Number 6, of the CAJI News Service – Exclusive, “The Bureau of Internal Revenue, and the alleged Internal Revenue Service, were not created by Congress. These are not organizations or agencies of the Department of the Treasury, or of the federal government. They appear to be operated through pure trusts administered by the Secretary of the Treasury (the Trustee). The Settler of the trusts and the

Beneficiary or Beneficiaries are unknown. According to the law governing trusts, the information does not have to be revealed.”  Now, we could be writing all day on who are the foreign invaders, but, suffice it to say, this is a fine example that THERE ARE invaders, and if you do research for yourself, you will find out much much more about THEM, for it is not fitting that we spend so much time labeling all within this document.

        #3. Since BOTH the LEGISLATIVE and EXECUTIVE powers have been compromised, and it is their responsibility to protect us from and extract the invaders from within our system because THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER and MOLDED TO THEIR FOREIGN PURPOSES BOTH, it falls unto WE THE PEOPLE to stand up and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for protecting ourselves against the ILLEGAL ones by DEMANDING our original legislative and executive powers be restored to their original outlaying and LIMITS contained within the documents of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  It is OUR responsibility NOW to make sure these invaders are brought to justice by STANDING UNITED AS “WE THE PEOPLE” and REFORMING our beauteous nation BACK to its inceptional-concepts.

        Our economy USED TO BE set from a Republic of the United States of America. In which there would be checks and balances to

prevent what has now come to be.  Our economy NOW IS whatever the big banks and corporate interests and THE RICH and the foreign invaders have corrupted it to be, through the direct and explicit MASS INDUCED IGNORANCE of “We The People”.  Our economy NOW IS one in which we have lost our sovereignty and been manipulated into policies which go against our better understanding of what is right and of what is working, stable, and efficient.  – And I shall quote parts here from Phoenix Journal #47.  WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR ECONOMY is that “…your forefathers warned you endlessly about the threats which were and would be made to the freedoms and instructions for government operation and state sovereignty, which they outlaid, and HAVE YOU LISTENED?...”  Will you take RESPONSIBILITY?  “…Will you LISTEN NOW and take the necessary ACTION in behalf of yourselves and your country?...”  So be it.

        We have allowed foreign invaders to corrupt our economy completely, injuring the lives and livelihoods of the many for the few, of the balanced for the imbalanced, and of the working system for the deceitful corporate giants and the Plutocrats.  May God have mercy on our souls.

I HIGHLY suggest ALL of you precious ones, who have read this, consider how you may join in the uniting of the People to “take back” our country.  KNOW that there is a massive movement just waiting for you to join and to HELP TAKE ACTION called “OCCUPY WALLSTREET” which has actually occupied just about EVERY CITY by now!!!  Take a look to see if there is an Occupy Movement in your city, which you are more than welcome to join, if not just by searching online, then often it may be found by the use of the “facebook”… ew. That’s how I discovered that there is a movement in my city: it had a “facebook” account!  NOT that I endorse having a “facebook” account (sick), even though I do have one (I AM not afraid of evil having all of my information), just that it may help many to discover if they can join an OCCUPY MOVEMENT.  So, just get involved and GET OUT THERE to stand up for your rights and a working economy.

Thank you,

    Graeme D. Whitmeyer

Adonai and Salu!!!   “)