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 Here are all 4 episodes of

the riveting documentary series, 'Meltdown:

The Men who Crashed the World,' produced by

the Canadian Broadcasting Company.

Part 1:
The men who crashed the world - Meltdown

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The economic meltdown came because the primary edict for corporations was "make money" (aka "greed"), with no regard for ethics. What is needed is to replace the primary edict with "conscience", where doing good and making the world a better place is foremost.

This documentary points out that the corporations of today are given one mandate: whatever makes money. When facing any decision, the corporate leadership is obligated to its shareholders to do whatever will make money ("legally"). Making money is the prime objective, by law. And that prime objective, also known as "greed", is now bearing fruit, having brought our civilization to the brink of destruction. That is what the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters around the world are decrying. That is what drives the wedge between the ultra rich (the "1%") and the rest of us (the "99%"). When making money is the prime directive, by the present law informing corporate existence, then immoral decisions will be made to optimize money at the expense of all human decency. It is crass corruption, plain and simple.

What needs to change is that the "personhood" of corporations needs to gain a conscience, so that corporate decisions are not based on making money alone, but on being good, and decent, and doing the right thing for humanity and the planet. That would make all the difference, and that must be at the core of the needed transformation of society.

What is needed is a might change of heart -- of the corporate heart -- from greed to good.

And it seems to me that the ingredients are in place to see such a change take place. There is a global consciousness awareness that something is terribly wrong, and "greed" is probably the most frequently-cited word to describe what is wrong. Greed is the catch-all word to embody the problem of corporations whose prime and only directive is to make money.

"Greed" needs to be replaced with "Good", so that the prime directive is to do what is right and best for humanity and the planet, calling upon the decision makers to be spiritually introspective in their decisions. It is a fundamental change, but not an impossible one.

Every human being has a conscience. What is needed is for that same conscience to be imbued within the corporate bodies.

And with that conscience also needs to come accountability and responsibility. Those who make bad decisions that are seriously detrimental to others, should have to make an accounting for and be punished for their wrongdoings in a fair and equitable way. Principles of justice and mercy should apply to the corporate body as much as they do to the individual. If the entity is unrepentant and stubborn, then full justice should be meted out. If they are repentant and are taking serious measures to remedy their mistake, then mercy should be meted.

What the protesters should be demanding as the primary issue is for corporations to gain a conscience, and for non-repentant corporations to be brought to full justice.

The CBC documentary alluded to this, saying that capitalism needs another look. "Capitalism with a conscience" is how I would put it.

Without this core change in corporate operation, the emergence of free energy technologies into the marketplace will create just another opportunity for the greedy to exploit, creating another bubble, delaying the correction that much longer, making the collapse that much greater.

That is not what we need.

The emergence of free energy into the marketplace should be part of a new paradigm, part of the emergence of a new world, a new way of dealing with each other.

Those involved in free energy technologies should insist this new paradigm from any company that gets involved with them. "You must have a conscience, and not have making money as the prime directive."

Laws should be enacted worldwide so that "making money" is no longer the key and only prime directive of corporations, but having a conscience should be the first guiding principle instead.

This won't be easy. In the U.S., there are 5 Wall Street lobbyists per congress person. And globally there is a conspiracy to establish a world police state, using economic turmoil as one of the drivers for bring that about, making us all slaves, and removing freedom.

Don't blame the present economic problem on freedom. Rather, call for conscience to guide that freedom.

Benjamin Franklin said that freedom would only work for a "moral and religious people," and that it would result in destruction otherwise.

Which path will we choose?

I think destiny calls for us to choose the path of freedom, guided by conscience; not slavery, void of conscience.

----- Original Message -----

From: ro


Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:16 AM

Subject: The men who crashed the world - video - and suggested solution