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Media ignore Obama blowing $535 million in taxpayer funds

David Martin, Executive Vice President Media Research Center

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Three broadcast networks are providing virtually no coverage of Obama’s growing Solyndra scandal -- a solar energy firm that went belly-up after being handed $535 million in taxpayer money from the Obama administration.

In the just-released analysis by the Media Research Center, this is in stark contrast to network coverage of the Enron scandal back in 2001 and 2002.

Go here for the full report and to take action with the MRC.

Solyndra was once the poster child for the new green jobs agenda.  Run by wealthy Democrat Mega-donors and given $535 Million tax dollars in loan guarantees under Obama’s “Stimulus,” Solyndra quickly collapsed  – leaving taxpayers holding the bag.

Since its August 31, 2011 bankruptcy filing, Solyndra has been mentioned in only eight news stories on ABC, CBS and NBC’s evening newscasts. Over a similar time period, the same liberal networks aired 198 stories on Enron, supporting attempts to tie the Democratic-leaning energy company to President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

The disparity between Enron coverage and Solyndra coverage is 24-1. (Perhaps the real scandal in the eyes of our newsroom socialists is that when Enron went to the Bush administration begging for a bailout, they were sent away empty handed.) Back then, the so-called “news” media desperately attempted to twist a story of corporate fraud into one of political malfeasance …

Not so with Obama. He gets a pass.

MRC President Brent Bozell is calling out the media, saying they are “aiding and abetting in the cover-up of an outrageous scandal linked directly to Obama and his failed economic policies.”

Bozell explained, “These networks are intentionally minimizing coverage to avoid reporting the failure and scandal that resulted under Obama’s watch for the same stimulus package they hailed in 2009.

“What further compounds the hypocrisy of ignoring this scandal is the excessive, glowing coverage these same networks are giving the Occupy Wall Street protests. While they gather to oppose ‘corporate greed,’ the media quietly dismiss the most outrageous scandal in years – financed by taxpayer dollars.”


+ + Exposing The Leftist Media’s Bias and Hypocrisy

Patrick H., the Obama-controlled media are committed to their black-out of the Solyndra scandal. In fact, they have convenient amnesia for anything that could derail Obama’s re-election bid.

Fortunately, the MRC is taking notice -- refusing to give Obama a pass, and calling out the media for protecting him. Our division is hot on the trail of Solyndra and other important stories that you won’t read in the liberal media.  At the same time, our News Analysis Division is carefully monitoring and exposing attempts by the hacks at ABC, NBC, CBS and elsewhere to lie, distort and whitewash scandals in slavish devotion to President Obama.

So that patriotic Americans like members of the MRC Action team can take part in this campaign, we’ve launched our national petition demanding the Leftist media provide balanced and honest election coverage. Scandals like Solyndra must be brought to public view, so the American people know the truth.

Help the MRC counter the brainwashing efforts of the liberal media. Click here now to sign our petition demanding fair and balanced news coverage in the 2012 Election cycle.

After signing, alert your friends. Steer them to MRC’s analysis of the Solyndra scandal and encourage them to follow your lead by clicking here and signing our petition.

With your help, we can mobilize at least 100,000 citizen signers so that we can confront these Leftist media assaults designed to hijack the coming election!

Thank you for standing with the MRC.


David Martin

Oct. 12, 2011