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Busy Bill Gates: Buying Up Africa and Pushing Vaccines In Nigeria

Keelan Balderson

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Billionaire globalist Bill Gates is a busy man this week putting his money in to the usual causes.

- Firstly he joins the U.S. Agency for International Development, Gatsby charity, JP Morgan and the Rockefeller Foundation in a massive $25 million investment in to the East African Agriculture sector. Because of course Africa isn’t allowed to develop independently and self-sufficiently. They must do so at the behest of the money powers of the West, ultimately giving them no rights over their own land.

It appears after skyrocketing food prices and the region’s worst drought in 60 years, the billionaires have found the perfect money maker that looks good on their liberal CVs. Who’s opposed to helping African farmers?

“A funding gap exists for small cap agricultural businesses across East Africa, between large-scale commercial banks and microfinance institutions,” said Tom Adlam, Managing Partner of PCP [1 [1]]. “This new Fund will help to address this gap, providing long-term capital to entrepreneurs who are building businesses in the agriculture sector while delivering quality financial returns for investors.”

Translation: We will ensure our investors get “quality financial returns”, even if it means the farmers get paid a pittance.

- Secondly Bill Gates is over in Nigeria today continuing his vaccine agenda under the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation banner. As reported by the Nigeria Daily Times [2]:

The foundation’s CEO, Jeff Raikes, is with Gates to talk to Nigeria’s government officials and traditional leaders to follow up on the Abuja Commitments to Polio Eradication, in which Nigerian federal and local government officials committed in 2009 to have at least 90 percent of children immunized against polio toward its eradication.

But this blanket approach does nothing to fight the underlying health issues that give rise to the Polio epidemic. As reported by Natural News [3]:

The vaccination approach to world health utterly ignores the far greater problem of nutrition, vitamin D and immune support for children who already have the immune system technology to resist polio infections — it just needs proper nutritional support.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into vaccinations over the last few years, apparently believing that the world’s health problems can be solved by injecting everyone with weakened viral fragments and chemical preservatives. But in reality, this approach is a calamity of misdirected do-goodedness that only serves to promote the dangerous idea that more chemicals are the answer to the world’s health problems.

Infectious disease will always persist in an environment populated by immune-suppressed human beings.

The root of the polio problem is not a lack of vaccines but rather a lack of fundamental nutritional literacy (and affordability) among the world’s poor. A $630 million donation of children’s nutritional supplements would be far more effective at combating polio than vaccines. And nutrition has the added benefit of preventing everything else, too: Colds and flu, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, mental disorders and a whole lot more.

In Pakistan (another of Bill Gates’ investments) recent data shows that people’s immune systems are so poor that the Vaccine may actually be causing Polio, or at the very least not treating it at all.

Last year, there were 136 cases of infected youth, and 107 of these had already been administered multiple polio vaccinations [2 [4]].

Vaccines are big business, so Gates will most likely continue to ignore these facts.

Sept. 28, 2011