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Diet Coke sponsors 'heart health' initiative as if aspartame were good for youEthan

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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mpaign last year, Diet Coke is this year pretending to advance the cause of improving women's heart health via a chemical-laden soft drink that is literally destroying the health of millions.

If you are unaware of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure alliance with both KFC and Mike's Hard Lemonade, you can read more about it here:

Diet Coke is partnering with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, as well as German supermodel Heidi Klum, to support The Heart Truth, a campaign that says it is raising awareness about heart disease in women. In this year's campaign, users are encouraged to go online and play a national game of "Capture the Flag" in order to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy heart, avoiding heart disease, and incorporating "heart healthy habits into their lifestyles."

Ironically, though, one of the first things any person participating in the campaign will need to do to pursue good health and incorporate "heart healthy habits" into his or her lifestyle is ditch Diet Coke. The toxic beverage is loaded with the synthetic sweetener aspartame, which is linked to severe headaches, seizures, blindness, diabetes, obesity, neurological disorders, mental illness, kidney failure, and cancer, among many other things (

To learn more about aspartame, its negative health effects, and the history surrounding its scandalous approval, check out these informative videos at

Perhaps it is a new trend for manufacturers of harmful products like Diet Coke to jump on awareness campaigns about the very diseases their products are implicated in causing, just to make themselves look like concerned benefactors. Or maybe these companies think the population is too ignorant to connect the dots and see the stupidity in such efforts, and continue to buy more of their products. Either way, drinking Diet Coke is the last thing any health-minded person will ever want to do.

Sources for this story include:

Feb. 20, 2011