Monsanto voted Most Evil Corporation of the Year by NaturalNews readers
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Astonishingly, fifty-one percent of all votes went to Monsanto as the Most Evil Corporation of the year. This means Monsanto wins the top prize by a huge margin.
Taking second place was the Federal Reserve, with twenty percent of the votes. This is especially intriguing because it means that NaturalNews are well informed about the fact that the Federal Reserve is not a government entity but rather a corporate entity that serves the profit interests of the global banking cartel.
The other corporations included in the survey (along with their vote results) are:
British Petroleum 9%
Halliburton 5%
McDonalds 3%
Pfizer 2%
Merck 2%
Wal-Mart 2%
Nestle 1%
Other 7%
(Note: The total slightly exceeds 100% due to rounding on the part of the survey host.)
Why is Monsanto considered so evil?
The results of this survey beg the question: Why is Monsanto considered so evil, to the point where it garnered a full 51 percent of the vote?
The first and most obvious answer to that question may be that people who dislike Monsanto tend to be NaturalNews readers. There is undoubtedly a self-selection trend in this survey. But even among those readers who are into natural health, green living, organic foods and the like, why would Monsanto stand out above British Petroleum, for example, which caused enormous damage to the Gulf Coast in 2010?
The answer, I suspect, is that Monsanto behaves like an evil corporation that pretends to be angelic. The Monsanto website is an orgy of touchy-feely corporate spin that tries to position the company as the savior of life on planet Earth.
For example, the Monsanto website hosts the "Monsanto pledge" which contains the following sickening claims: (http://www.monsanto.com/whoweare/Pa...)
Integrity is the foundation for all that we do. Integrity includes honesty, decency, consistency, and courage.
We will share knowledge and technology to advance scientific understanding, to improve agriculture and the environment, to improve crops, and to help farmers in developing countries.
To anyone who knows anything about Monsanto, these words must strike them as particularly nauseous. For a company that thrives on GMO seeds and is an aggressive opponent of open-pollinated seeds to talk about "sharing knowledge" and "helping farmers" is enough to make you quite literally vomit. (Try to avoid splattering your keyboard.)
Monsanto's pledge continues:
We will respect the religious, cultural, and ethical concerns of people throughout the world. The safety of our employees, the communities where we operate, our customers, consumers, and the environment will be our highest priority.
Given that Monsanto's GMO crops are now linked to roughly 200,000 suicides of farmers and farm workers in India (http://www.naturalnews.com/030913_M...), you really have to wonder where this "respecting the cultural concerns of people" line could possibly come from.
A corporate mental patient
Touring the official Monsanto website, in fact, is a lot like walking through the mind of a madman whose self delusion has reached the point of complete psychosis. Monsanto runs around the world operating much like a mental patient, albeit a mental patient with a tremendous amount of political clout and economic power. And to oppose Monsanto is to put yourself at great risk.
Just ask all the politicians in France and across Europe who found themselves being added to a "retaliatory target list" that was assembled by the United States ambassador to France, working in conspiracy with the leaders of the GMO industry (http://www.naturalnews.com/030828_G...).
A lot of corporations are greedy (Goldman Sachs). Many are downright criminal (Big Pharma). But only a few corporations rise to the title of being considered truly and irreversibly evil. That's where Monsanto apparently takes the top prize.
Oh, and by the way, this isn't the first time Monsanto has received top honors. Forbes Magazine gave Monsanto its "Company of the Year Award" in 2009. And that tells you just about everything you need to know about the values of Forbes Magazine, too. Never let planetary health stand in the way of a quarterly profit!
I wish to thank NaturalNews readers for participating in this survey. If you'd like to read more about Monsanto and GMOs, here are some additional resources:
And check out these video interviews about Jeffrey Smith and GMOs: