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The Secrets of Westfield's Success

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Westfield has redefined thievery by turning it into a piece of art. Don’t be fooled, it is an art.

Mr. Frank Lowy, as the head of Westfield, must be praised. For him to come up with such a scam for getting someone else’s money in this manner is nothing short of ingenious. And don’t let anyone tell you that it has nothing to do with him. A wise man once said that if you leave a fish in the hot sun for hours and then you smell it, it will start to stink from the head first and not from the tail!

To Mr. Westfield, the former Israeli Commando, and recipient of the Companion of the Order of Australia - which confers recognition for outstanding achievement and service - we, your former tenants, award you the dubious honour: Most outstanding in naively but deliberately and aggressively stuffing up one’s tenant’s business in order for them to go broke so that one can then legally steal their assets for the purpose of filling up one’s own pockets.

The home news in Sydney, Australia, is, a whopping eighty shops are leaving Westfield Bondi. Ask yourself the question: How many homes belonging to these tenants will now go under the hammer as fire-sale auctions? As statistics of these eighty shop closures, how many couples with families will want to commit suicide after having to close their business and lose their family home?

It is both tragic and sad when you hear such stories of how close to suicide some of these people have come. Unfortunately, one has to be in their shoes to know and feel the dilemma they face. What makes you so mad is the fact that many stories coming from there sound familiar to mine. But who is really surprised by any of this! Are you? I told you that Westfield has a cashflow crisis at the moment in one of my updates.

More and more shops are going to be targeted and then closed down, and more family homes are going to go under the hammer in fire-sale auctions as Westfield tries to recover their cashflow after overcommitting in their borrowings with all their renovations and takeovers - don’t mention the fact that their shops are not leasing as they should - which has even made them go to desperate levels of giving new tenants four months of free rent. Even this is a bummer for them. This shows you that their portfolio investments are not performing so well.

Well, it goes without saying, now you know why Westfield is so selective when they accept tenants into their shopping centres in the first place. These tenants as a prerequisite must prove they have assets before they are accepted in their leasing tenure at Westfield.

Once in, as we have stated in our previous update bulletin, a legal Judgement is already drawn against those assets. It is now up to Westfield to get you into that cycle of making you go broke, and you have to hand it to them, they are downright brilliant at it. This is in fact the foundation upon which Westfield is built. This is the secret of their success - advice for anyone out there who wants to know how to make it in the world. And after that, if you can sleep at night, the sky is the limit.

I keep asking for the Australian Government to institute a public Royal Commission into Westfield to turn it upside down and stop all this unconscionable corruption. It seems, however, Westfield has too many personal governments in their pocket. Look at Orange Grove, Sydney. Then again, if one looks at many of the highest non-political positions in the country, and relevant directorships, they look like a who’s who of the Lowy family. They are even security advisors to the Australian Federal Government.

While we’re on the subject, to be able to know that the Twin Towers would collapse by terrorist actions, one must have known long in advance. I wonder who told who what? Does the former Israeli Commando know someone intimately? The insurance policy tells it all, does it not? And then, to take a chance on a 99 year lease is a very courageous move. We salute you, former Israeli Commando, Frank. In fact, I used to have some medals. I would have awarded them to you, if only I didn’t have to sell them to pay you your rent. How low can you get when someone forces your to sell your precious honour!

Remember this, Frank ... once a wise man stated .... winning battles does not make you win the war. It is only a matter of time before your “soldiers”, by that I refer to your shareholders, chase you with baseball bats all over the world.

Another wise man once stated ... when one digs a grave for someone else’s business, one had better dig another grave next to it for his own business - sooner or later both graves would become occupied.

You must remember ... there is a saying that was instilled in me when I was a boy (I think you lacked that kind of education) ... The foundation of anything you build in life should be made of toughened brick; this way it will be able to withstand the obstacles of life it may encounter. But when you build your foundation from bricks made from shit (please excuse my crudity), with the first rains that come it will return to its original form - which is shit! So we have now learned something: never build a house with bricks made from shit!

You must admit, Frank ... there is much one can learn from the wise men!

Dec. 24, 2010