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BP Scum, “Dont Believe” tests that show oil, Major Coverup Continues (with videos)

Alex Thomas

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e fact that BP has OPENLY poisoned the wildlife and population matters little to our supposed commander and chief. How can the American people expect BP, a company whose leaders are chronic liars, to abide by safety measures put in place to avoid oil disasters such as the Deepwater Horizon explosion?

BP has even gone as far as to DENY tests that show that oil IS surfacing near Orange Beach. This company is actively involved in one of the greatest cover ups of our time. The situation defies logic, people are clearing filming oil, yet BP,  playing the part of god, has publicly stated that the disaster is reaching its end.

“BP keeps telling us there is no oil, to skim or otherwise, and we keep telling them there is,” said Orange Beach Coastal Resource Manager Phillip West. “We’re skimming it.” Press – Register

The extent of the cover up is hard to imagine. The culprits include the White House, BP management and of course the infamous Admiral, Thad Allen. Stephen Lendman, reporting for, had this to say in regards to the cover up and the censorship of free speech.

From the start, the Obama administration conspired with BP, imposing censorship and cover-up, barring the public and news media from coming within 65 feet of clean-up of “booming operations, boom, or oil spill response operations under penalty of law” without Coast Guard-authorized permission.

The agency is a virtual BP arm, now retired Admiral Thad Allen its de facto representative as National Incident Commander, doing its bidding, suppressing the disaster’s severity, including enforcing the FAA’s mid-June announced no-fly zone, not needed if there was nothing to hide. There’s plenty, why journalists and other violators faced up to five years in prison and a $40,000 fine for telling the truth, now mostly hidden, not gone.

NOAA, in clear violation of their job, isn’t even testing for methane. Apparently an underwater explosion is something that BP and the government just don’t care about.

Samantha Joye, professor of marine sciences at the University of Georgia… is puzzled why NOAA won’t begin checking for submerged methane gases in the deep waters of the Gulf… “It seems crazy,” she said. “There is no reasonable explanation as to why it’s not being done. It just doesn’t make sense.”

Florida Oil Spill Law, a website that has heavily documented the disaster, reported today that, “Even after the submerged oil tainted miles of beach in Gulf Shores, MS over the last few days, BP and the Coast Guard deny finding visible oil on the seafloor.”

Think about all the cleanup workers who have been denied respirators and at times, even denied their paychecks. BP has publicly stated that all cleanup workers were trained for at least 40 hours. Clearly, this is not the case.

Hundreds of credible people have spoken out against BP. Dahr Jamail, an award winning journalist has stated that the drinking supply is contaminated, Project Gulf Impact has interviewed multiple scientists, and BP Whistleblower Kindra Arnesen, has gone from town hall to town hall, demanding that BP stop its use of the toxic dispersant known as Corexit9500. Others, such as Matt Simmons, have mysterious died.

To top it off, oil has recently washed ashore near Gulf State Park Alabama. Kids were seen swimming in contaminated water, their parents apparently oblivious to the dangers. News

One has to wonder, are BP and the Federal government, with the help of  the United Nations, actively involved in Agenda 21, a plan which would establish most of America as non human zones?

August 16, 2010