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Breaking Gulf news: Land Surveyor proves Simmons right. TV well sham. (with videos)

Deborah Dupré

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s has been correct about the TV Gulf reporting sham and two  wells. The surveyor presents  the most damning evidence that the operation has been planned and orchestrated with expertise, as AC Griffith publicly stated this week

The well that the reader sees on TV reports about the oil capping and other scenes are illusions. What the reader hears most talking heads say about the catastrophe is pacification and distraction. The surveyor calls it a "dog and pony show."

As  Professor Jeffery Grupp states in his book, Telescreen:

The Orwellian telescreen replaces the self, the family, nature, reality, and the mind with its non-stop absurdist patter of banality, violence, and vulgarity. The Telescreen is the pervasive media screen put in front of, and injected into, the eyes and ears of humans in the American electronic techno-culture. This begins from birth, and moulds consciousness throughout life: not a genuine human consciousness, but rather is a less-than-human, despiritualized semi-consciousness."

In a series of four short videos (below), the unidentified land surveyor presents official BP public documents that he downloaded, compared to "live coverage" revealing the TV illusion. He explains in layman's terms what has transpired using BP surveyor maps and documents.

According to the public documents, not only are there the two wells Matt Simmons has insisted exist. The documents also reveal that the plan since the beginning of the operation has been to abandon both wells.

Simmons stated in July, "There is no way BP would not know they were misleading everyone," and, "They would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind and they're not. These are smart guys."

Mainstream corporate "news" reporters either did not uncover what a concerned citizen land surveyor did from public records, or, as such reporters failed to do during the 911 crimes and Hurricane Katrina, the PMIC sponsors did not allow these facts to be aired just as they blocked reporters.

Instead, corporate "news" media provided their world audience with another dog and pony show including just enough truth to not be totally absurd to the causal viewer.

Also of interest is that with his expertise, Simmons believes that for people to survive, they needed to be evacuated. He predicts a heavy' resident death toll.  

"We're going to have to evacuate the Gulf states," stated world expert Matt Simmons, founder of the oil investment firm, Simmons and Co. reported Washington Post. "Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people?"

After viewing the following short, fascinating videos by 56KCanadian, it is sobering to contemplate Simmons' most quoted statement, to discredit him by name-calling him Mr. Doom, "This story is 80 times worse than I thought."

When media subtly discredits specialists blowing the whistle, such as Matt Simmons, the target whistleblower is probably providing truth in best interest of humanity that New Wold Order leaders want suppressed.

For three months, residents along the Gulf Coast have been breathing toxins while BP and the White House have hidden facts from them and the rest of the world to keep the targets isolated. No toxic survival supplies have been provided, except those the Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors are making and distributing.

AC Griffith recently stated that he thinks the Gulf Coast people will not be evacuated.

Agenda 21 aims not at their survival.

Agenda 21 aims for the reader to watch lots of TV, read the newpaper daily, and thus, remain unaware about life, including those struggling to survive in the poisoned Deep South.

Copyright Deborah Dupre. August 5, 2010. All rights reserved. This written material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the first paragraph to this page. See Dupré's Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus her Compassion Film Project DVDs.   

August 6, 2010