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The Nazis In The White House Story: Part 14 Gulf Bombs Set Up BP For An Oil Fall

By Jon Carlson

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Benton F. Baugh, president of Radoil Inc., a Houston deepwater E&P equipment supplier, said he believes current subsea drilling technology is adequate to control wells being drilled, protect the environment, and keep personnel safe... “The actual cause of the current problems is not known, and may well never be known depending on how ultimate closure happens to this well." (source)

This diagram shows a deepwater oil well setup. The block size Deepwater Horizon floats on the surface kept in place by four large engines that operate as needed to keep the submersible over the oil well. Built to withstand hurricanes. At the seafloor a Blow Out Preventor weighing 450 tons controls blowouts if they should occur. BOPs are not designed to withstand a bomb on a timer dropped into the well casing. A continual movement of seawater is pumped into the drill pipe shaft from the oil rig forcing drilling debris from the drill bit up the outside of the drill shaft inside the well casing to the ship.

This photo shows that crude leaking from the wall was minimal while the Deepwater Horizon was afloat. By sinking it the well casing to the seafloor was kinked and fractured causing the massive oil leaks.

This photo shows the Deepwater Horizon in normal operation:

A closeup of that photo shows the well casing and associated electrical cables and flexible piping to the BOP on the seafloor. These close off the BOP in a blowout situation. Electrical power is supplied by SIX onboard generators. Ship employees said all power went out with the blowout which initially did not flame MERELY ROARED. That suggests that multiple explosives charges were set by operatives to kill the power to the BOP.

MOST IMPORTANT notice the highlighted areas on the legs as later photos show linear shaped charges were placed in TWO rectangular patterns on the legs JUST ABOVE WATER LEVEL.

This photo of a sister ship, Nautilus, meaning same construction, shows a semisubmersible out of water:

Nice view of a leg and the smooth surface:

The timedate on this photo indicates it was taken after the US Navy (Coast Guard) to their relief proudly announced that the Deepwater Horizon had sunk. Clearly the Deepwater Horizon has developed a list but no apparent extensive damage. Nice view of the leg though.

A closeup of that photo shows linear shaped charges have created what appears to be hatches but aren't:

An even better view. Notice how the cuts run past or don't meet the corners and aren't very square. As the legs are approximately 100 feet high these cuts measure about 5 feet long on a side. Nobody but US Navy operatives operating from a submarine could accomplish such a feat.

As corroboration another photo of the Deepwater Horizon headed for the deep Gulf structurally intact with JUST LARGE HOLES cut in its superstructure. Look in the lower right hand corner and the 'hatches' NOW OPEN can be seen. These photos also show minimal crude burning on the water surface before the sinking.

This closeup shows beyond a shadow of doubt that the Sinking of the Deepwater Horizon was no accident.

Presently only sweet crude with low sulfur content is extracted from the Gulf nextdoor to major US refineries. This crude can be easily and cheaply refined BUT lacks the heavy tar element that is needed to make asphalt and other tar products. That heavy crude has to come from the Germany controlled Middle East. NOW BP has developed heavy crude supplies in Alaska and the offshore Gulf of Mexico, another Saudia Arabia size deposit. A superior heavy crude that just needs a short trip to US refineries in Texas and Louisana and a longer trip from Alaska to California refineries.

BP is a big player in the Canadian tar sands development which are now shipped by pipeline built in the past few years all the way to Texas refineries but most important to a large BP refinery south of Chicago that is in the process of being greatly enlarged. Since 1980 100 US refineries have not been able to meet the Draconian standards of the Nazi EPA and have shut down. Circa 2008 the Nazi Bush on his own accord eliminated all sulfur in gasoline and diesel fuel when the oil industry preferred a higher standard. Sulfur is removed by the catalytic converters in automobiles so no sulfur fuel is unnessecary. THE NAZIS WANT BP STOPPED.

If Nazi-controlled BushChevronTexaco was involved in a major oil well blowout that would indeed have been an accident. By the way, BushChevronTexaco only owns 0.1% of the Conoco BP heavy crude development in Alaska. Iraq is their primary source. Oil that costs $5 dollars a barrel to extract from the ground. Before the Iraq War, Iraq was producing 3.5 million barrels of crude, more than Germany-controlled 'OPEC' allowed, and oil prices dropped big time. The Nazis used American soldiers and US taxpayer dollars to stop that! HIGH OIL PRICES have triggered a major recession in America and has kept the economy from recovering.

With Saudia Arabia-size crude deposits in Canada and the Gulf and much, much more in Alaska and large deposits in other US states it is time to cut off Nazi Germany controlled crude from the Middle East.