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Uninsured Peril -- loss of human protein supply from the sea not covered

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means BP is off the hook for the destruction of a large portion of the human

food supply.    This damage may exceed 20 trillion dollars.  What is the sea

life of the two greatest oceans worth?  What are one or two billion human

lives worth?

Had BP been insured for this peril, the insurers would have made sure all

risk was being managed to the maximum before assuming the liability.  The

idea of insurance is for people or corporations to pool risks to which they

are commonly exposed.  All oil companies should have pooled their risk with

insurance  -- that would have given all oil companies an interest/incentive

to ensure maximum safety and minimum risk.

Instead BP is not insured for the greatest damage it has done  -- the damage

to undersea marine life -- while the corporations, the government and the

media only talk about the much lest lethal and devestating damage to

southern costal state shores and wetlands, to seabirds etc.  and to loss of

income of fishermen and loss of business of ocean resorts etc.

The fact that BP is not insured clearly shows 1) that regulators of

insurance neglected to see that the cataclysmic peril of the extinguishing

of a large percentage of undersea life was taken into account with full

assumption of liability to be shared by an insurance pool.  Compare this

situation with the liability coverage required for the operation of atomic

power plants, where every peril is identified and covered and where those

assuming liability have full incentive to guarantee that the risks

controlled commensurate with the capacity of the insurance pool to pay

damages.  For the tuna under the sea, now perishing in the North Atlantic,

they are not owned and therefore it was reckoned that there is no one to

compensate -- since a fish is not owned until it is caught, there are no

owners to compensate.

Because of this ommission, which has made drilling so cheap for all offshore

drilling oil companies, the human race, the consumers of fish (30 percent of

the world protein diet) must incurr the loss without compensation  --

compensation being impossible.

Once this failure of regulators -- of all levels of government -- to the

benefit of the owners of the oil companies and insurance companies is

realized -- it becomes necessary for the people of the planet, whose lives

and livlihoods are now threatened -- over a billion deaths within two years

worldwide -- to assume control from corruption, from criminal negligence in

regulation and organization, from a total failure of the policies and legal

structures errected by our ruling elites, our Big Finance and Big Oil

dominated "governance" (a term which applies to the power beind the hollow

shell of impotent and submissive national goverment -- of legislatures,

courts and regulators captured by the owners of Big Oil and Big Finance

(which includes Big Insurance).

The fact that BP is left holding the bag and that the owners who steered BP

to the disaster -- former chairman Peter Southerland for example who quit

just before the event, and Goldman Sachs who sold, in fact shorted BP --

indicates that the principals set up things so that an empty shell would be

left "holding the bag."  BP is only a carboard front right now -- against

which corrupt politicians and media can direct public rage -- as the

culprits who have jettisoned are off the hook and in fact profiting.

Taxpayers and direct victims will have to borrow from Goldman-Sachs etc.

both for cleanup -- but they haven't enough credit to borrow to avert the

mass starvation and malnutrition that is already inevitable.