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Asymmetric War Comes To America

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"Asymmetric War Comes To America"

As the "Questions" supposedly asked by the  Secretary of the US Census Bureau did not actually come from the Secretary;  because the Secretary had no legal right to ask such questions in the first  place, but were instead generated by the private corporation (IBM) disguised  as the US Census Bureau, who is directly profiting from this illegally  obtained information; not just by raking in illicit money for their false-flag  services, but by being able to use this falsely obtained information  to design an entirely new society from the same answers by which this \"Secretary\"  aided and abetted those involved directly in this criminal;-fraud, in order  to obtain this information (the long form questionnaire, the GPS imaging  and the religious affiliations of persons) which the Constitution never  permitted in the first place. On top of all that, for the Secretary, there  is still the matter of aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise by lending  his official position "to create a privatized-political-goal to which  those people were responding (under cover of the census) that the people  being questioned have not approved of and have never had any voice in creating?

The deeper and perhaps darker treachery in all of this  comes with why this was done this way at all, and why now? Since Reagan  converted FEMA from the office of emergency management for catastrophic  events into what he termed the Armageddon Project (this was on the net  but has been removed); the entire thrust of black-ops US policy has been  toward taking down and detaining the American population. The 600 to 800  prison camps have been completed and are waiting for those they planned  to arrest or detain, no-charges-need-be-formally-made any longer, for everyone  that resists them either on the census, or anyone that might create problems  around the coming financial

collapse that is just ahead, (the newly created  thought-crime in action).

"Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA"

March 20, 2010