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Supreme Court's decision enables Chinese takeover of America

Ron Bynum

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The recent Supreme Court decision will allow foreign corporations and governments to control elections, candidates and policy, now that the court struck down restrictions on corporate campaign contributions.

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, lifted restrictions on corporate campaign contributions, citing freedom of speech issues as the Constitutional grounds for the decision. Now, corporations can contribute to any candidate, with any amount of money, to ‘buy’ the candidate who supports their interest.

Republican legislators, Fox News’ commentators, and corporate lackeys hailed the decision as too long in coming, and lauded the court’s allowance for big business the freedom to speak as a private citizen, a right it bestowed on corporations as a very generous gift; or was it a payoff.

The American people will pay for the immature decision the majority of Justices made. By allowing an institution the same rights as an individual citizen, those rights will lead to a foreign government taking power here in America through the election process.

Forget that the banking industry will pay to have regulatory commissions disbanded, or that Monsanto will buy enough candidates to abolish environmental regulations, or that drug manufacturers will purchase the candidates who can undo regulatory enforcement power for safe drugs. The real danger is Chinese, Saudi, or Russian companies buying candidates to influence foreign policy decisions.

In Modesto, many companies left the area for parts of the world where there are no regulations, so their profit margin could increase without controls to protect workers or consumers. The jobs lost devastated the local economy, and there is no hope of the companies ever returning.

The local Republicans lit up the airwaves with praise for the Supreme Court’s decision as a much-needed assist to corporate America. Now, corporations won’t have to leave the country to cut costs. They just need to buy the candidate who can make India’s laws applicable in America.

The insane little orange Representative, John Boehner, lavished praise on the decision as something that is good for America, but he left out the part that it is only good for corporate America (read oil industry). Maybe Boehner isn’t worried about a Chinese company or the Chinese government supplanting him with a Chinese Representative, because he is already yellow, and a little cosmetic eye surgery should have him looking very Oriental.

Not worried about China buying a candidate or two, or changing the immigration laws to allow their leader to run for office? What about a Russian born President of the United States of America? The Constitutional requirement that a President’s birthplace is in the United States is possibly irrelevant, since a foreign power can change the law with enough money, so that Russia’s Putin may run and win the American Presidency.

The traitors, Supreme Court Justices and un-American lawmakers excited over the prospects of U.S. corporations, foreign corporations, and foreign governments paying to install their candidates to run our country betray their claims of loyalty to America.

They also betray their oath to protect and defend the Constitution, because they are not serving the people. The majority who overturned the protections of the Democratic process by assigning citizenship to corporations serve big business and soon will serve a Chinese, Russian, Indian, or Saudi President.